Day 27 - Wandering

Children with Autism missing. Nowadays you hear about them wandering more and more.

Jordan got away once.

One day when my husbands family was back in the country we were all gathered outside. At some point we came back in but Jordan decided to go back out.

I'm saddened to say my daughters recognized when Jordan was gone.

When we searched the house multiple times and saw he wasn't there, I ran out the house not sure where I was going.

Going down the driveway I see Jordan headed back toward the house with two policemen behind him.

I was relieved and scared at the same time.

Relieved because I had Jordan in my sight after not knowing where he was and he was alive and safe. Scared because I didn't know the repercussions of my lack of attention to him and the result being him getting away and found by a random person who, thank God, called the police.

Every day my heart is saddened for those whose children go missing that have Autism.

Some of them don't get their kids back. That could have been me. My child could have not come back home. I wouldn't have known the special little boy I have. You wouldn't be reading this. Who knows how my relationship with God would be like.

So happy things worked out the way they did.

Psalm 107:1
"Oh, give thanks unto the
Lord, for He is good!
His mercy endures

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