Day 18 - DDS

Not too long after I started Divine Discipleship for Sisters class, I saw that the first book was a reflection of how my life was changed and was almost exactly what my book was about.

The Disciple's Cross starts with teaching us we need to make God first, the center of our lives.

We have to put ourselves aside and focus solely on Him, and from there He can make us better at whatever it is we seek to be. And I did that when I had nowhere else to turn when Jordan's treatment was at a standstill.

Next was the Word.

We have to read the Bible because John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." God is His word and His word is the truth. John 8:31-32 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "if you abide in my word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Knowing His truth frees us from worldly things that holds us back. I started a daily devotional to keep me informed of what He wanted and needed from me.

Then there was prayer.

You can't make God the center of your life, read your Bible and not pray. Once the first two things fall into place, He starts to do things in your life that only He can. It makes you get on your knees faithfully to thank Him for all He's done. Things were starting to look up after making Him the center and reading the word.

Also fellowshipping.

Getting together with God's people gives you the chance to share testimonies and have others testimonies shared with you. Realizing I needed more than just church sermons I became involved in ministry. I joined the Special Needs Ministry at FBCG. Getting together with other families to do God's work for His children was rewarding in numerous ways.

Lastly, witnessing came after fellowshipping.

God wants us to share our testimonies with others so He will get the glory. We have to tell people the things He has done for us that we couldn't have done on our own. I witnessnessed to people within the ministry and the blog, but after putting these 6 principles in place it was in a different way. A spiritual way.

DDS confirmed to me I was on the right path. The enemy did too.

John 4:24
"God is Spirit,
and those who worship
Him must worship 
in spirit and truth."

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