Day 12 - Confusion

Last post I said that treating Jordan's Autism was conflicting at times.

It was.

You see I was at a point where there were (and there still is) many opinions about children and Autism.

Parents of autistic children should love their child just the way they are. And so do I. But that doesn't mean I don't want to help my child recover if he can.

And it's my personal right to believe that he can be.

Sometimes within the Autism community there is division because everyone thinks what they would do is what everyone should do.

I do not blame a parent for not wanting to go through what I am.

It is hard financially.

But my option is to give Jordan the best care I can. And by saying that, I'm not saying others aren't, but it can be perceived by many that's what I mean.

Now I'm at a point where I don't care what others perceptions are.

I do what I feel God calls me to do. I wouldn't have received the results I did with treatment when I finally turned my life over to Him if this isn't what I was supposed to do.

So I'm going to keep on doing it.

James 1:19 (NIV)
"My dear brothers and sisters,
take note of this:
Everyone should be quick to listen,
slow to speak
and slow to become angry."

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