Day 24 - Care

As I continue on this road called Autism, more and more gets added to my plate and can happen at any given time.

I have 5 children; ages 19, 18, 16, 11 and 7.

Many things happen, like my 19 year old's car breaking down and then she needs rides to work. Dealing with college and their costs. My 16 year old and her band extracurriculars that costed me a grip this year.

Not to mention new supplements being added to Jordan's diet every couple of months.

But having to be concerned with their needs, Jordans needs, my husband's needs and obligations to the church take a toll on me physically and mentally.

There was a time when I faulted my dear Don for not caring for me the way I needed because I had to focus so much on others. I never took time to take care of me. But that wasn't his problem. It was mine.

That had to change.

I started to work out, take small mental breaks by reading or actually relaxing while watching TV. The best thing I did was I started eating better by removing processed foods from my diet. I may not eat healthy all the time, but the removal of it has kept my weight at bay and given me a little more energy.

We must always remember that next to God, our health and care should be second. Our loved ones and those we take care of would be no good if we aren't at our best.

3 John 1:2
"Beloved, I pray that you
may prosper in all
things and be
in health, just as your
soul prospers."

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