Day 13 - Chelation

As we moved forward with the holistic approach it was time to see if we needed to address one of the main issues seen in children with Autism.

Heavy metal overload.

Some of them have high levels of lead, mercury and cadmium as well as other metals. Which can lead to brain fog, frequent colds, mood swings, digestive problems, allergies (environmental and food sensitivities), loss of memory and forgetfulness, and insomnia.

Jordan had a high level of lead when first tested. Elevated but not very elevated. I thought he should be done with this in no time. The next time he was tested it went up a little more.

That, I was told, was to be expected.

The 3rd and 4th even higher. This was not usual. I had no idea why his levels were going up when we were giving him a supplement that should make it go down.

Eventually they did go down....just to go back up.

Just like a seesaw.

Romans 12:12
"rejoicing in hope, patient
in tribulation, continuing
steadfastly in prayer;"

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