Day 19 - Growth

During Jordan's 10 year tenure with Autism he has had many problems as well as progressions.

One of the changes I am most proud about in Jordan is his eating habits.

He will eat anything.

Just a few years ago it was hard to get him to try foods that didn't look right to him. I used to count on maybe two hands the foods he would eat.

Nuggets, pizza, hot dogs, french fries, chips and waffles.

But not now.

Jordan will try any food put in front of him and will demolish it if it is something he asked for. He eats spinach, black beans, enchiladas, macaroni and cheese, pickles, ice cream and popsicles (and he doesn't like cold food at all) among other things.

About a week ago he studied his father while he was eating a cheeseburger. So we asked him if he wanted some and indeed he did. So later on that week I made him cheeseburgers with fries. 

And he loved it.

So not only will he eat just about anything now, he's always asking for someone else's food. He just asked for mine. I wonder if I'm feeding him enough.

1 Thessalonians 3:12
"And may the Lord make you increase
and abound in love to 
one another and to all, just as
we do to you,"

Jordan taking his first bite of his first burger.
Big sis buggin' in the background.

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