Old prayers answered

For any of you concerned about Jordan and his spasms, he is doing well. Still trying to keep him hydrated with Pedialyte, Gatorade and watermelon. The spasms are continuing to decrease, but still there. Yesterday was a test of some sorts. The last two Sundays his spasms were coming at an uncontrollable pace, but this Sunday it was just as any other day he has them. Things are looking good as far as I'm concerned.

At his visit with his DAN! Dr. Thursday, a lot was accomplished in my eyes. Even though we didn't have any results to go over, nor did I have any update about the supplements that were added since our last appointment, I found it successful. I went over with her the concerns about dehydration and the information I found out about giving him too much fiber. His behaviors and all that has come into play since not giving him supplements to try and get his system back on track from all that his body was going through. She was concerned, but gave me other options to get things in order so we can get back to giving him the supplements. She suggested magnesium to help calm the muscle by giving epsom salt baths before his shower and a cream to rub directly on his abdomen. I've started with the baths and the cream should be here in a day or two. As far as the supplements go we will be adding them one by one with 2-3 days in between. We are doing this because this is the best opportunity to actually see what happens when the supplement is added back into his diet. The positives, the negatives, everything. I have started with the inositol, which the doctor thought was a good idea, because right now Jordan is going through a phase of loud, vocal stemming. Since I've added in twice daily, it seems to have decreased slightly. I believe that this is going to be the best learning experience thus far because if I notice a supplement does him no good or has an adverse effect, it can be removed. Even though I love giving Jordan what I do to help him become better, I dislike the amount of supplements I have to give him, and it was be a waste physically and financially to give him something that is not benefiting him at all.

Because my husband plays a major role in helping my son become all he can, I asked for his input into what we should implement after the three days are up from starting the inositol. And he gave great feedback. He said the gaba, which was the furthest thing from my mind. I was thinking about adding the probiotics to get his gut back on track to healing. But the gaba plays a very important role in keeping Jordan calm. Because of the stemming and OCD behaviors, which can hinder him from doing work at school and focusing, I think that is the best thing to add next. I'm so happy that I have someone by my side on this journey that pays attention to what's going on with treatment as well as the actions of his son to be able to give me responses that can help better our child. There are a lot of men out there that aren't there for their families because they are the providers and they feel it is the main objective. Because of that they lose a lot of valuable time with their children when they are going up. One man mentioned to me that even though it seems like the men have it a lot easier when it comes to taking care of the children, they actually have it worse because after the children have grown and gone off on their own, the fathers have regret about not doing more. Luckily, I think my husband has recognized that path and returned before he couldn't find his way back. He has found a new job that has given him Saturdays off. He has worked Saturdays since we've met which was late 2002. God saw fit for him to be home on the weekends and still make the same amount he was making at a job where he worked 6 days a week. But if you really look at it, he's blessed with more because of the time he can now spend with the entire family.

My husband not having Saturdays off to do more family orientated things without having to take off was something that bothered me, but it wasn't a very serious issue either. It wasn't anything that I had prayed about recently. But because God always has something in store, He gives you the desires of your heart when you follow His word. Now that I wake up every morning at 5:45 with my DDS sisters to give God the first fruits of our day, He blessed us with the new opportunity for my husband to work less, but gain more. Because not only will he make the same amount of money as before, but he gets to spend more time with family without having to take a pay cut because most events happen on a Saturday. Isiah 1:19 says "If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land,." Being with family is one of the most important things to me because time is something you can never get back. He can never see his 6 year old grow up again. And because he is able to now, I thank God for allowing us to have this chance to share time with family and with one another as well. Even though it is not a prayer that I have prayed for in a while, it's good to know that the prayers I have had in the past have not gone unnoticed. Now is the perfect time for my husband to have these weekends as his body is getting older, but also because our youngest daughter is at the age where she can remember when daddy spent the whole day in the den with her playing video games. Anything sooner and we would not be in the position to have him be off now. God always knows best.

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