Following up

On Thursday, which just passed, we followed up with Jordan's holistic doctor. Even though she gave me an update on his lab results and what she thought I should implement, we went over them and talked about what has happened since the last visit and what to do moving forward. 

A few days after seeing her last month, his stimming increased. Giving him the enemas, saunas, and Epsom salt baths has not soothed them as they did in the past. I was not sure what the reason was. Today I am still not sure, but I feel it may have to do with the two new supplements, liquid b12 and vegan d3, that have played a part in the changes I see in him. I had not thought about that during the visit, but I sent an email sharing that concern with her and am just waiting to hear back. Personally, I don't think that the stimming is that much of a big deal if receiving them is better for him than not.

Jordan also came down with a cold, which has not happened in many years. I am under the assumption that it came about because the day I noticed it, I had gone into his room to wake him for school, and his fan was on, but he was not under his blanket like he usually sleeps. I think anyone sleeping under such conditions would end up with a cold, but it still was a bit concerning for me. I shared that with her as well, but it was not a huge issue as far as she was concerned because we did not spend much time talking about it. What was a concern was the lab results.

Jordan's MCV and MCH levels are still low, meaning his red blood cells are still small and pale. However, his ferritin level was high. Ferritin tests indicate how much iron is stored in the body's tissues. To have low MCV and MCH usually means you are anemic or have low iron. In this case, he is not because more than average is stored in his body. She did not know what to think of these results. I definitely did not. However, his RBC (red blood count) is normal. Past tests were high to compensate for what they were lacking. So, believe it or not, we are headed in the right direction, and I believe that further detoxing will help even more. Mainly because the low numbers were just a few points off. In the past, they were off by more.

Also, during the appointment, we addressed IV therapy. I was concerned about If it would help with the leaky gut that still appears to be a problem. She said that if we went with the vitamin c or the Myers cocktail, no. But if we did it with glutathione, it could help with that. Glutathione is produced by the liver and is involved in tissue building and repair. This is something I believe would really benefit Jordan. He is still having malabsorption issues. Yes, he has gained a few pounds from the fatty foods, but he is still low in protein even though he gets some from the quinoa. Although, it may not be enough. So I will add some hemp seeds to the heavy metal detox smoothie I started him back on. It contains spirulina which is also high in protein as well.

I am looking forward to the IV drip next week. After the first time, I will have to observe him to see how often we should go forward with future treatments. The doctor typically recommends weekly, but we have to see how he responds first. I pray this, along with detoxing this summer, will get us over the hump I have been trying to get over for quite some time. It's not easy to put your all into something, and it does not turn out the way you plan. I do know that it is part of God's plan, though. I love the Message version of Hebrews 10:36 that says, "But you need to stick it out, staying with God's plan so you'll be there for the promised completion." That's exactly what I'll do.


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