All in

For years I have been watching my son stim. Whether it was from foods he couldn't have, new foods I had given him that turned out to be an issue, or whatever else gave him problems, it has been ongoing. It was and still is hard to watch. 

I thought I had found something that could help him stop the stims and the tics that developed along the way. But they ended up making things worse. The timing was off, too, because he is now in school. I can't have him like this while he is in class.

I'm not going to say I was defeated because at some point, I felt they could be added to the detox, and things would be smooth. But we all know that is not the case. You will see hard times before good times come when you start a healing regimen, a diet, or even a new journey like walking with God. There are a few reasons why this happens.

Mentally there is a struggle to do things differently. When you go on a diet, you get rid of foods you love for an extended period, or maybe permanently. The thought of letting go of them can be taxing on your mind in the beginning, but after some time of going without it, it's not so hard anymore. When you start walking with God, you learn to remove some behaviors that would not benefit your new lifestyle. Giving up those things also can take a toll on your mindset, and it may take a while to get rid of them.

Same thing with healing. Your body is going through a cleansing process that makes all the bad things in you come to a head. It has to fight off or get rid of what is ailing you, which will make you feel slightly worse before it is removed.

I knew this would have to be the case with Jordan and the tinctures. I just did not want to face the problems that I was trying to get rid of. But this past weekend, I went all in.

Deuteronomy 28:6
Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.

Saturday, I gave Jordan almost all of the supplements, vitamins, and minerals he was to take. I ran out of time at the end of the day trying to give them to him one every hour, so I will have to give every half hour instead.

During one of our question-and-answer calls, I came to terms with what I would have to deal with. So I was either going to have to ease Jordan into this or go all in. There was no way around what I would see because we are trying to get his body right. 

Is Jordan stimming? Yes. Is he still having tics? Yes. But....these things were not entirely resolved before he started taking them, so why not allow him to go through this so he can get through this? 

Although it is hard to watch this phase, it is better to get this over with, so it will get done sooner than later if they do work to calm them. My plan was to only do this over the weekend, so by the time school starts, Jordan will be winding down from them, and hopefully, it will be lessened by mid-week. But, if his stimming is not intolerable, I will keep it to start opening up those detox pathways to see the results we would like to see sooner.

So far, so good.


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