Autism's life lessons

This morning as I sat with Jordan so he could eat his breakfast in a timely fashion, it made me think about the signs that were being shown to me that I wasn't aware of until it was too late. Some not necessarily too late, but I could have done something about it much sooner.

For instance the signs of Autism. I could have been further along with treatment if I hadn't of waited years to figure out why my son wasn't speaking or making eye contact with others. Same goes for the situation I just went through recently. The spasms could have been prevented if I would have paid attention to the signs my son wanted to drink more water. Or they could have gone away if I had of seen that him asking for cereal was a cry out by his body that he needed the calcium in the milk. I may go a little off topic here, but God is the same way with us. He gives us plenty of signs that we choose to ignore or don't even realize they are from Him. Doing this can lead to a hard road in life. Because He will keep putting things in your path until you recognize your need for Him and change. And when you decided to change, my is it a marvelous thing. Having God's presence in my life is something I can't even put into words. I can't wait to wake up in the mornings to see how he's going to show me my next steps. What joy He gives me simply because I know I am His and how covered I am by His grace. There's nothing in the world like it.

Yes there are bumps in the road. I am not perfect and God convicts me of things that I shouldn't be involved in. He convicts everyone, and if you aren't second guessing actions you do that doesn't follow along with the word of God maybe you aren't being convicted. Which probably means you don't have a relationship with the Father. If you are and you still do the wrong thing, you probably don't have a great relationship with Him. He will also put people in your life to hold you accountable, to help steer you in the right direction or make you at least think about the wrongs. And if you don't listen or care to listen, you are out of control. James 4:17 "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." I don't know about you, but I want to do what is right. I feel good knowing that if I "go out" to have a good time, I don't have to use anything to alter my state to enjoy myself. I can be me and be happy. Especially in the right environment. I may have down days, but they won't last always. And usually my down days come from having expectations in others. People will let you down everyday. But now, I am looking to God to keep me happy. He is the only one who pays attention to my wants and needs and provides for me like no other. He is the only one who has a Heaven or hell to put me in so I choose to stand on His word so I can see Him when my life is over.

But back to knowing the signs, if more people took the time to know the Word of God they would recognize signs of any kind and be able to have more peace if the right path is taken and the wrong one avoided. If I had of followed all the signs He gave me throughout my life, my what a life I would have. Unfortunately I wasn't so blessed to have grown up in the church, but it makes me a lot more appreciative of Him now knowing that I did all things wrong in my childhood, teenage years, and young adulthood, and He still forgave me and blesses me daily with life. What an awesome God we serve. And everyday I try to live faithfully moving forward and paying attention to every little sign that comes my way, so I can pray about it, fix it or stop it from coming all together. Just wanted to share these little thoughts that were roaming around in my head today. I hope all my readers have a wonderful and blessed day, as well as the upcoming holiday. Much love to you all.

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