Pardon me

As most of you know from reading my posts, I'm not to up in spirits. Even writing hasn't really helped. But I wanted to give an update on Jordan since he's started the new supplement, Gaba, to help with his OCD symptoms.

Jordan has actually calmed down quite a bit. I started with 1 pill once a day like she advised but after 5 days I felt I should give him 1 pill twice a day. I just started with giving him 2 pills this past Monday or Tuesday. He still has to do certain routines but he is not as agitated when he's told no. And sometimes the things he once HAD to do, he doesn't have to do it every time. It should be getting better now that he's taking 2 pills a day. I'm happy with his change and his school said he is doing better which is the most important part. I just wish I didn't have to give it to him. I wanted to see if his the OCD would go away with the chelation treatment that he just went through last weekend. I know it's not a gauge to tell me his lead levels, but if it would have subsided some without the Gaba I would have no choice but to believe that his levels would have went down. Now I just have no clue. His urine collection will be next weekend and his Dr.'s appointment will be on November 3. I have to wait over a month to know the results, but in the meantime I can enjoy my boy for how he is now because even though I want my baby to recover, I know if and when he does, part of me is going to miss the little boy I have running around my house acting silly. I have no idea on what he will be like and sometimes that scares me.

On Tuesday when I was helping him with his homework I had him do that last 2 math problems on the calculator by himself. No prompting or telling him yes or no and he did them by himself and correctly. He even knew when he made a mistake to press the clear button. He also had problems to do without the calculator and he had to show his work and when he had to draw 8 lines to add to the 10 lines that were already there he stopped at 8. I was so proud of him. He is making good progress and part of me is wondering if the Gaba is also helping with his brain function. Being as though it keeps certain stress factors from getting to the brain, maybe it's allowing the right things to get in or allowing him to comprehend better. Either way I hope that everything keeps going the way it is.

So that is all for now. I will probably be back when I've done more research about something that comes into my head and feel I need to share. If not, you may not hear from me again until November.

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