Why I'm not offended

This post is in no way to make light of what other parents of special needs children are feeling. This post is not to say that what a certain comedian did was justified. It is just another special needs parents take on a sticky situation.

Although I did not catch the skit that is so widely talked about within the autism community, I did see a video and various comments about what was done. There was a well known comedian who poked fun at a person with special needs by an older character that he plays from time to time. I had a neighbor who had a special needs daughter in a wheel chair and when he spoke to me of her he referred to her as being retarded. I understand back in the day things were a little more lackadaisical but it can still be very offensive. For those who know better and to get laughs at the expensive of some things that others can't control is not right. However, It just doesn't get under my skin as much as others. Just like the comment that your child doesn't look autistic or even the "r" word. I will tell you why.

For one I have other things to worry about. I have a boy with autism. I have a clingy 6 year old daughter. I have a working, college student and a 17 year old who thinks she knows everything. I have a 15 year old who doesn't follow directions and I have a husband. Just saying husband alone is enough to see the trials and tribulations I go through :). (Love you Don). I have obligations of the church, giving supplements, home, a wedding renewal to plan for, renovations, whatever else I do daily. Adding that, something which I can not control, wouldn't benefit me in anyway. However, those that do not have the other responsibilities that I do, and even those that do, have every right to put how they feel out there. I feel like I have to keep stressing that as I go on because I don't want that to be forgotten at all. I value all opinions and I'm just sharing mine.

Another reason why I didn't give it another thought was because I don't look at Jordan like he will be like this forever. I am doing everything in my power to change my situation so that isn't my life. Jordan makes noises, sometimes he jumps. He is disobedient in class sometimes. He has a hard time learning and remembering. But I am working on changing that. And I believe he will be restored. So I know in 10 years my life won't be like that. Maybe sooner since our theme in church for this year is restoration, I believe it will be this year I will be very close. Now I am not saying others aren't trying like I am trying. I am saying that's why I don't give it a lot of my time and energy. Not everyone will think like me and that's normal.

Last reason. I don't care what anyone thinks outside of my family. I can't worry about other peoples opinions and lives. I have to take care of home first. Distractions like this can hinder you from seeing what the real purpose is. The enemy will do whatever he can to take your mind off of what's important. To get you to forget about your purpose. Class has taught me Christ is the center of it all. The verse that supports that is John 15:5 "I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and My words in him, will bear much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing." With my focus on God and trying to be an obedient child of God, it allows little time to focus on the negative. Is my life perfect? No. I still have issues, but they are MY issues. Like if the mail carrier delivers my mail to the wrong house and Jordan's supplements are delayed. Or the OCD symptoms taking a toll on him and distracts him at school. Or bill paying. Thinking about going back to work. Raising 5 kids. Things that directly effect me. I try not to worry about those who know nothing about autism unless they are within my vicinity where I can educate them. IF someone were to tell me my child looked autistic, I would simply let them know there is no look to autism. I realize there are a lot of things I am ignorant to and that I can't blame others for their lack of knowledge. That's why we have autism awareness. But there are those that pay attention and those that don't. It's just like spreading the gospel. As sad as it is, you have those that just don't care to know and it's really nothing you can do about it.

So this is MY opinion and if I have still managed to offend you my sincerest apologies. It was not my intent at all. Have a blessed day....on purpose!!!

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