And just like that....

John 15:5
I am the Vine, you are the branches
He who abides in Me, and I in him will bear much fruit, 
for without Me you can do nothing.

Just last week I explained to you how I stopped giving Jordan apple and green juice because of the possibility that it may trigger allergy symptoms. To refresh you, the green juice I started giving him in the beginning was to help him with detoxing. I read that giving alkalizing fruits and veggies helps the body with the process of detoxification. I used kale, carrots, spinach and apples or grapes. At one point I tried celery and broccoli to change it up a bit. Also ginger, cilantro and later on down the line collards as well. When I had a conversation with his doctor she also told me that dark leafy vegetables can help with adding iron to the diet. I am concerned about his low iron levels because iron is needed for hemoglobin is what helps the blood carry oxygen through the body. The lower the iron, the lower the amount of hemoglobin. Low hemoglobin means less oxygen can be moved throughout the body. As much as I wanted to green juice daily or every other day, I never could be consistent. But when I wanted to find alternative ways to Jordan getting calcium because of his high level of alkaline phosphatase, I decided I was going to go at it full speed. I was going to add turnip greens because they are known to be a good source of calcium and iron. But there was a problem, no one carried organic turnip greens. It was a good thing because I haven't green juiced for him since. It's been about 2 months or more since I've green juiced for him. But I just recently decided not to do it anymore because of the problem with the raw veggies.

With no more juicing, I decided to give the organic blackstrap molasses 5 days a week. But early last week when giving it to him, I noticed he wasn't sleeping through the night....again. I thought, ok, no green juicing, no more apple juice, what is the problem now? The molasses was the only thing different. Now right now I feel like such a fool because I asked my husband where did molasses come from. When he told me from trees I felt like I had no common sense. Plus from the front of the bottle should have given me some sort of a clue. So here I am giving him something that comes straight from the source of his problems. So no more molasses for iron or calcium. But the good thing is since the last time I have given it to him, Tuesday of last week, he has not gotten up once in the middle of the night for the past 3 nights. That leads me to believe that all this time I was green juicing I was triggering his allergies and while I thought the problem was him getting a form of gluten somewhere, his body was storing all the allergens and over time his body couldn't take it and that's why he would get up in the middle of the night and sleep with his sister.

So for now the only way Jordan is getting iron is from his iron supplement. I'm hoping that maybe his doctor can put him on a calcium supplement and maybe up the dosage of his iron because trying to change diets and add concoctions to give him what he is lacking in foods just doesn't look like it's going to ever work. Whatever I try to add, gives him unnecessary problems. It's funny how I look back to the end of the last paragraph about when I green juiced and the allergens building up in his body. I know when I first started it there wasn't a problem, but in actuality I was doing something that wasn't good for my son. Sure from the outside it looks like it could do no harm, maybe even help. But over time, after the pollens or what have you kept building up, you could see it externally. That's given me a good life lesson. We may be doing things that we think aren't harmful that really are. We keep on and keep on because we don't see any issues with it. But over time when you keep doing it, eventually it will show. All the negative effects of what you are doing will leave you spiritually dead. And when you are dead spiritually, even though God loves you, He won't give you blessings or desires of your heart. But when you come back to Him and remove all the things that aren't of Him, He will again make you whole. I'm so happy I'm on the path to making my son whole, and myself as well. I'm not perfect, but everyday I learn to do better by some of the things I deal with when it comes to autism.

John 8:31-32
Then Jesus said to those Jews that believed Him, if you 
abide in My words you are My 
disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and 
the truth shall make you free.

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