Growing and learning

It's been almost 2 months but pretty much things have been the same. Jordan has been sleeping through the night for the most part. I thought the reason why he did was because he had 2 blankets on him while he slept. I wanted to get him a weighted blanket but the prices on those things are pretty steep. Especially for the weight I need it to be at for his size. But once one of the blankets needed to be washed, and I delayed in doing so, I realized that wasn't it.

A while ago when I first started Jordan on the gluten free diet, I would know when he had gluten because he would wake up in the night and go to one of his sisters room or into mine. When I look back at his sleep patterns when he had been off gluten for a while, he had been sleeping through the night for just a long. But recently, maybe the last few months or so, he would wake up. I had no idea what it could be until his allergen results. Now even though there is much in the environment that he is allergic to, I felt the need to research again whether certain foods can have allergens in them. I did research like this a while ago because when Jordan would eat apples, his eyes would turn red. What I found led me to believe that apples were giving him the problem. I read that if you are allergic to weed pollens that banana, cantaloupe, cucumber, melons, zucchini and artichoke can trigger symptoms. Others include APPLE, almonds, celery, strawberry and cherries. I decided that when I would green juice for him I would use grapes instead of apples. No matter if they were in season or not.

Just last week Jordan didn't sleep all the way through 2 of those nights. I tried to think back to what was different in his diet. I did make him his favorite African dish jaloff which calls for jasmine rice. I wanted to look up if the rice could pose an allergen problem as well when I realized he had been drinking apple juice for 3 or 4 days straight. Even though organic, just like the apples in the green juice, it's not the fruit that is the problem, but what is around it that gets onto the fruit that is the issue. It's hard to believe something with such a thick peel as a banana would give you that problem. But a funny thing happened. As I went to find the article to be able to tell every food that was listed, something else came to mind. Since I haven't green juiced for Jordan in about a month and a half I was wondering if maybe the greens were a problem as well. He is sleeping through the night and although no greens were listed it did say that when fruits and vegetables are consumed raw that it increases the symptoms as well. I don't know if I am supposed to stop green juicing for him but it does seem to me that when I blog it connects the dots on a lot of things I normally wouldn't have seen and most times it benefits Jordan. At this point green juicing is out of the picture and I will continue on with the molasses and water to help him get more calcium and iron.

On a side note, Jordan went ice skating just this past Saturday for his sisters 6th birthday. I wasn't sure how he would react to being on blades, but he really enjoyed himself. When ever it was break time or one of his sisters who he was skating with would come in to sit, he would ask to go back out. Happy he was willing to try something new and he loved it. Also I just started a class within my church. DDS which stands for Divine Discipleship for Sisters. It has given me such a different outlook on so many things that were an issue for me. It is allowing me to have a deeper connection with God. With this being a part of my walk with Christ for the next 9 months I can only imagine the things that will happen when it comes to Jordan. I saw such a huge improvement when I started serving. This is on a whole other level and I can't wait to be able to share everything as it comes into play. The foundation of DDS is Luke 9:23 "Then he said to them all, if anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me." But the most powerful verse that I have had to memorize thus far is John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit, for without me you can do nothing." Learning that there is a process to my quiet time with God will allow me follow Him the proper way instead of going in the direction I think I should go in. I look forward to what the future holds.

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