Quick thought

While I realize my posts may not be for everyone, I have had it laid on my heart to put this out there.

I am in a class at church as I have mentioned before. DDS which is Divine Discipleship for Sisters. Well I was going through my daily work and everyday I have to read a passage and say what God said to me and what I said back to Him. In today's lesson I had to read 1 Timothy 6:11-21. What God said to me was that I need to let go of worldly things and take in things that are of peace, kindness and love. That way I can be filled with the Holy Spirit to be able to witness. One of God's commands to us as His disciples are to be evangelist. We have to witness to others the win them over to Christ. One way we can do that is by living a Christian life that attracts others attention. We can also enter other cultures to tell them about Jesus, or have a mass evangelism with the church. There are many other ways too. I never thought of myself as an evangelist because I don't venture outside of my comfort zone to anyone when I am out and about in public. If anything it is within the family and the 1 or 2 people I talk to on a regular basis you are not in my church. But two things came to mind after my prayer. One just now.

The word states in 1 John 2:15 "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." It's hard to have the love of God in you when you are filled with things that are not in His likeness. And therefore you can't call those to Him. I needed to remove the things that aren't Christlike in my life so I can be a witness to someone, anyone who was in need. Havings these things removed from me would make me be a better person. That's when I thought about Jordan and his autism treatment. Things that aren't right within him I need to remove so that he can become what God intended for him to be. For him to be restored. If the harmful things in your life or in Jordan's case, within his body, isn't removed, you won't be able to better yourself. To be able to do God's will. Sure we all have different purposes in life, but with your purpose you are supposed to teach what you have learned to non-Christians or even fellow believers who are not in their will to help them see what God wants for them. To lead them to His way so they can be included in His plan.

The second thing that came to me was after I started this post. That somehow, someway, I may be reaching others. My learnings with autism and the ways they tie into the word, I share here. Even though it's not seen by many, it's a possibility that one person who reads it and understands what to do. And they may have been led to Christ without my knowing. But the only one that needs to know that is God. He knows my intentions when it comes to sharing things of my heart no matter how hard it may be for me. Because it's not about me. It's about that person who can relate who has a child with autism. Or someone who just wants to know more about it. If they receive the lessons I have learned and apply it to their life in whatever aspect they need it in, and they see how truly wonderful God is and turn their life over to Him, my job has been done. Unfortunately it's not as broad as I would like it to be, but there is a reason for that too. I learned in one bible study that there is a reason why things we do aren't received the way we want or intend it to be. And that's because God has something bigger in store. If everyone saw my blog, maybe the book I hope to release later this month won't be as successful because most of the information here is in the book. There is some things in it that is not in the blog simply because of that, I hope for those of you that read you will take the time to share the info about the book when it comes out. I hope it will be able to change many lives.

God bless you all!!!

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