What would you do?

What would you do if you found out the cause of Autism? What if it was a gut issue and needed fiber to get it in working order? What if it was a build up of mucus that caused inflammation within the brain? Would you change your child's diet so they would not receive mucus forming foods and give herbs that would remove what was there? Really? What would you do?

I ask these questions because I see a lot of parents who have children on the spectrum who have no desire to know these answers. While I understand loving your child the way he/she is, I see the difficult my child faces and will continue to face in the future. I know my son is unique because of the nature of his disability and sometimes it makes me smile. Seeing his reaction to the video games he plays that is all the more funny because of how he thinks. His learning to ride a bike was all the more special because we thought it was something he might not be able to do. Initiating play fights with his dad when he would ignore us at times brings tears to my eyes. While these things are positive, there is much more that I want to see.

I would love for my son to graduate with his typical peers at the age of 17 instead of 21. I want to be able to allow him to be out in the world and not have to be shadowed by an aide. To work a normal job or better yet go off to college because he has found a career he is interested in. While times are harder now for people of color, especially our men, I still would love to see his interest in driving a car, going to driving school and getting his license. These things and many more are things I anticipated when I had him, when I had all of my children. Because of some unknown reason, I have been stripped of those things from my only boy.

Doing research and following many groups that want to find the cure, recover, heal or however you want to word it for Autism, I have found many different reasons why Autism plagues our community. Vaccine damage, environmental issues, heredity and some other reasons I may not know. These things lead to damage within their systems that make the body not able to function the way it is supposed to. But why do many believe that this can not be fixed? Why do we believe because a doctor gave us a diagnosis and because there is no known cure, that nothing can be done? Who made the doctors word the final say? Proverbs 16:1, "The preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord."

I am not a doctor. Many parents of children who have Autism are just like me. And because I am not a doctor, I do not know my body's make up. I do not know what is good or not good for my body due to the disposition it has. However, I do take into consideration that hundreds of years ago many Africans where removed from their land. A land where they ate what was available to them and survived many years without disease because it was what God had given them to eat. I know they were placed in one that did not give them the foods they were accustomed to. To say that we are not eating according to what our bodies need is an understatement. I am trying to reverse that mentality within my household starting with Jordan.

Jordan has been eating alkaline, vegan foods for the last four weeks or so. While I have not seen huge changes due to not being able to allow him to fast and cleanse because of school, I have seen small differences in him. He is not craving or asking for food as he once did. He would eat four times a day and two of those times was when he came home from school after eating at 11:00am and then before bedtime. Those days are gone and he literally would just eat twice if I did not make the food myself and give it to him. He has always requested what he wanted, but now is more descriptive. So last night instead of just asking for help, he said to me mommy help with star please. When his dad walked into the kitchen he told him he wanted to fight with him and did not back off. No other diet that he has been on has improved his language. They may have helped him sleep, or removed bad behaviors because what he was getting he was not sensitive to, but none did what this one is.

If you found that giving your child foods that come from the earth and not man made, does not have additives of preservatives, does not have hormones or is just something that does not work with our genetic make up would help your child with Autism, would you do it? If it were that simple to give herbs that help with removing inflammation, mucus, feed cells, cleanse the gut, supports the brain, is antifungal, builds the immune system, purifies the blood, give you 92 of the 102 of the minerals your body needs, would you not try it? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. While I am still learning as I walk this journey, I share what I have learned so others can be informed and do research on their own. I'm not sure if it will help as I hope it will. But I will still hope. What are you going to do?


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