So far

Jordan has been vegan for the last few weeks now. So far he has only had a few setbacks. Mainly because he has been getting snacks and unapproved foods at school. I also let him have a cupcake at church because I knew he was still getting things he should not.

Jordan has been doing very well. He really loves the meals I make him that have a lot of vegetables and mushrooms. And of course he can not get enough of the pancakes.  He still is not asking to eat when it is dinner time and does not ask for foods he can no longer have. However, many things he used to ask for I am able to find a recipe and make it for him. I can make him "sausage links" from garbanzo bean flour and pizzas with brazil nuts as cheese. I have made him fruit punch from strawberries, black berries and blueberries and milk from walnut and hemp seeds. The possibilities are endless and I am happy I can do so much more for him with this diet than I could with all the other diets.

Gluten free was an okay diet to start with, but after a while he started having issues with a lot of things like ketchup and pizza sauce and it was not a good fit for him over time. The Feingold diet he was limited on as well because of same sensitivities. I learned they were due to having a leaky gut. The GAPS diet was hard on me because foods I made him took hours to make. The alkaline diet has very simple recipes that many only take an hour or less to make. I am pleased.

The results from Jordan being on an alkaline, vegan diet are his body is getting a lot of the nutrients it needs from eating foods that come from nature instead of man made ones. He is not as hungry or over eats anymore. He still stims and has the tics because I have not been able to detox him by fasting and giving him the herbs required because he is being given foods that could hinder the process while at school and I do not want to take the time to go through the process when something can counter it. We will go into full swing with it once school lets out. His behavior has improved and not sure what triggers him when he does act out, but these are rare occasions since his body is becoming more alkaline and less acidic. Also the tinea versicolor that was starting to reappear on his chest and arms has gone away. His back still looks the same but I am believing in due time it will go away as well.

So while things have only gotten slightly better in terms of his behavior, they have definitely not gotten worse due to him getting nuts while he is supposed to have a nut allergy and he has also been known to react to the salicylates in tomatoes and he gets roma and plum tomatoes and have no issues with them either. He is much better at answering questions and when he told his dad no the other day his dad said to him what did I say to you about telling me no and he said I'm sorry right away. Jordan never apologizes for anything unless you make him. He has also become good at ignoring you when he does not want to come to you. This morning I had to go up to his room because he did not come down after I called up to him about 10 times. Lastly he is starting to lose some weight. He has been pretty good at being within 112 pounds, down from almost 120. This morning he was 108. He did choose to eat cereal for dinner yesterday so that could be another reason why it plumetted so much this morning.

I am so ready for school to be out so I can detox his body with the fast to get the toxins, mucus and whatever else in his body out that does not belong. Because I am so impressed with what the diet is doing, I can not wait to see what happens when I add in the herbs to get his body is free of what ails him. I can already see where the bitting of his nails has gotten less to the point where it is almost non existant and he is no longer asking for neosporin and bandaids. I am really happy that I he is doing this well without the need for supplements. Seems like in a while we will no longer need to be seeing the DAN! doctor either. Not having to spend an extra 250 every 2 months is also pleasing.

"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest", Matthew 11:28. It is amazing what God will do when you give Him your battles to fight. I have a child who is better behaved, eating healthier with an easier diet to cook and more options, has bad habits disappearing and skin clearing up. Out of all I have done for Jordan, this by far is the best, and he does not need to see a doctor to do it. Thank you God, I finally can rest.


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