Listen to your body

For many years Jordan has had tics that came about after giving him too much fiber, and he became dehydrated. I was able to get rid of them a couple of times, but after some time, they resurfaced, and I could not find how to stop them again nor what the cause was since he was no longer dehydrated. It was because of the tics that I started to research what symptoms like tics and nail-biting were signs of. Sometimes I could find an answer, sometimes I could not. Like spasms are a sign of a magnesium deficiency, and nail-biting is a sign of anxiety.

There are numerous things my son's body has been trying to tell me over the years. When he would not sleep through the night, it was a sign that he was sensitive to gluten. When his behaviors started to become more negative, it was shown that other foods were an issue. The tinea versicolor that showed up on his skin, which by the way is trying to return, told me there was a build-up of yeast in his body. Of course, there are the tics, but the other day I came across something new. 

Jordan showers on his own, but I have been the one to lotion him because, in the past, he did not do a good job putting in on all over. I would try to show him again, but the magnesium lotion I use on him is very thick and not easy to work with. I pay attention to his skin every day to see if I notice small things like rashes or peeling feet to try to address issues before they become out of hand. Just this week, I noticed Jordan's toenails had ridges in them. Almost every last one of them. That night I looked up what that meant, and I came across something called Beau's disease.

What I found out about it was it can be a severe deficiency in zinc. However, after more research today, I see a few more things that can cause it. Malnutrition is one, then there are fungal infections, bacterial infections, severe infections, and toxins. After reading this today, I am quite taken aback. I have been concerned about a few of these issues with Jordan. This is telling me that all of them can be a problem with him right now.

With Jordan being vegan, there is a lot of things his body is not getting, and I tend to stick with the same veggies when I make his foods. So the first thing I am going to do is get different vegetables, so there is more variety. The second thing I am going to do is make sure he is getting sea moss regularly. Is has 92 of the 102 minerals his body needs. I was giving him one of Dr. Sebi's products that contain all 102, and yet we are still in this situation. Either there is something I am not doing right or again, he was not absorbing it properly. I am hoping since I have been working on the gut, there will be a difference.

I do not have all the answers just yet, the main thing I wanted to share in this blog was for you to listen to your body. It has a multitude of ways of telling you what is wrong and what you need to address. It can mean life or death in some situations. So any abnormality you see, whether it be in your nails or on your skin, look up what could be the cause. While you may be like me and have more questions than you do answers, at least you have an idea where to start and get on the road to recovery. But also seek professional help. While I am trying to hear the voice of God with what to do, I am coming to realize I may need a little more help. Two days in a row, I have come across Proverbs 3:7-8. It says, "Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones." It may be time to go back to the DAN!, Maps doctor.


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