
I wanted to wait a while being on this new protocol, the Nemechek Protocol, before updating you on his improvements or regressions. He has been taking the required supplements for a little over 2 months with one increase after a week in. The supplements he is required to take are fish oil (EPA/DHA), a prebiotic fiber (Inulin) and he is to receive certified organic extra virgin olive oil with every meal, and probiotics in supplement form have been removed. His dietary restrictions haven't changed although I may be able to give him regular foods within a year or so. I will go into detail about that a little later on.

I have seen a few advancements with Jordan since starting. He is interacting with family and even friends more. He initiated play with his father once by throwing water on him after washing his hands. Also, I have two kids I watch after school and one day when he came in, he spoke to them without having to be prompted. Yesterday he went up to the little girl and gave her a hug. He did not do that with anyone else. I'm not sure of his interaction with others when at school, but I have not been called to pick him up because of bad behaviors in some time and only a few bad notes home since starting the protocol. It was explained to me that to see progress is comparable to watching hair grow. However, due to the diet and supplements given before starting it, I have seen and think I will continue to see things progress rapidly. He less frequently shows signs of being triggered and I'm not sure if those few occasions were regression that is part of the awakening period, getting foods he shouldn't have or just a trigger from not being able to have his way. I would like to say it happens less and less, but I think I feel like that because this morning was a phenomenal one.

Aside from the interaction, and the most important advancement I've seen, is his communication. He is able to answer questions you ask him instead of repeating you. So on the few occasions when a negative note did come home, I asked him about it and he explained to me what happened with two or three words. I am very excited that he is trying to communicate more. Another gain, figuratively and literally, is his weight. Jordan is still in the routine of weighing himself every morning. Back when he started to eat 4 times daily I put him on the scale every morning. I wanted to see if he was putting on weight because he was stuck at 80-84 lbs. for the longest time. Being only 2 months in, he has put on close to 10 lbs. This morning he was at 93 lbs. Even though he is still very thin, he does seem to be filling out a little around the face. We will continue on with the protocol for the next two months while considering another possible course of action.

I mentioned Jordan may be able to consume some of the foods he used to have, and possibly go off the GAPS diet, because of a new treatment available through his DAN! Dr. Low Dose Allergy (LDA) is an immunotherapy that treats food and environmental allergies as well as autoimmune conditions. It gives over 300 food and inhalant allergies in small doses along with an enzyme to help reset the immune systems response. It can treat conditions such as Crohn's and Lyme disease, skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea, and environmental allergies, asthma and sinusitis. I have read up on it and feel Jordan is a good candidate because of his wants to have pizza and chips and I have no idea if he is continuing to sneak foods and it causes the regression I see at times. However, I will not make the decision until after I observe Jordan for the next 2 months on the protocol. He may not even need it if he continues to progress and have no more setbacks.

The Nemechek Protocol was the 6th major change to Jordan's regimen that I tried and for the most part has yielded the best results. Yes, the gluten free diet allowed him to sleep through the night and chelation helped with eye contact. Adding supplements over the years proved to work for a short time while diets seemed to be key. Once implementing the Feingold and GAPS diets, it changed his behaviors for the better. However, this Nemecheck Protocol finally gave him the means to communicate with me. After almost 8 years and numerous supplements and diets, I see the biggest advancements.

Many times we expect a change with our first try or prayer. However God calls us to pray without ceasing. Romans 12:12 "Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer." When we first implement prayer into our lives, many times we don't do it correctly. We often thank Him for waking us and then proceed to ask for our wants. However, when praying we must remember ACTS: adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. My point....we are not going to get what we want on the first try, because in all likelihood it isn't right. Most times we have to face the wrong things to learn the right. Answers don't come over night. It can take longs days and nights to find the one. I am thankful I kept my eyes on the end result and not looking at what was right ahead of me. I would have given up long ago. But now that I see how Jordan is using his words to explain to me his wants and answering my questions, I'm happy I stuck through it. And it proves just how true God's word is.


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