Be near to God and He will be near to you

First off I must say my God is an awesome God!

When I first started my blog it was mainly about the journey I am taking with my son and autism. About how treatments have worked, what didn't work. Dietary changes, green juicing, supplements added and taken away. Blood tests given, behavior changes and so on and so forth. At that time I was saved but did not have a relationship with God. I didn't pray, didn't attend church regularly. I was a member of FBCG but did not belong to a ministry, didn't tithe and offer, didn't attend bible study. Basically I was what John K. Jenkins called a heathen. One day before I started to be more involved with the church, I sat and actually thought about how we used to attend church as a family. It may have been few and far between but we did go sometimes. I wanted to get back to that, attending as a family. But with Jordan having the special needs that he had, it would be hard to go because I know he couldn't attend a regular Sunday school class and I didn't want to take the chance of him being restless or loud while service was going on. 

So I actually came up with the idea that I should start a ministry that catered to individuals with special needs, so that we could have a place where kids with special needs could go while the parents attend church. When I went to the ministry department to speak with someone about it there was already one in place. They directed me to who is now my mentor Minster Taylor. I joined what was P.R.A.I.S.E. Ministry at that time (now FBCG Special Needs Ministry). My initial reason for joining was so Jordan could attend Sunday school so we could go as a family, but God had other things in mind. I became so involved in the ministry that I teach the younger group Sunday school children almost every Sunday. I now attend every Sunday, tithe and offer, attend bible study, take classes within the church and make my ministry meetings every third Saturday of the month. I also read my bible daily and have a dialect with God on numerous occasions throughout the day.

Fast forward to yesterday. Jordan had an appointment with his DAN! Doctor that was simply amazing. I arrived early which was very different for me. I should have known from that point on things were going to be great. We went through our usual routine with me explaining all of Jordan's behavior changes, changes in supplements, important dates and what not. When we got to her giving me Jordan's results, I saw this look in her face that gave me the impression that they weren't quite what I wanted. I looked at the results and saw exactly what I thought. That his lead levels went up. But it was quite the opposite. They jumped down. From a 10 to 8.6! So that makes this the 4th straight drop, lowest it has ever been, AND first time in single digits. James 4:8 says "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." The moment I changed my life around to be obedient to God, he turned my life around. He gave me the wisdom to learn what was problematic in my son's life that was keeping his levels from going where they should. When I gave my life to Christ and followed His lead, he helped me help my son, and is steady lowering his lead levels. I am thankful to God because He is working in our lives and after everything I have done to anger Him, even things I still do to this day, He still blesses me even though I don't deserve it.

As much as I would love to brag and boast about all the things I am doing to rid Jordan of autism, I can't take the credit. But I can tell you my testimony that when you are obedient to God, and discern when it is Him speaking to you, He can make the impossible happen. He can do so much in our lives if only we would take the time and listen when He is trying to get our attention. He surely has my attention and I know that I have Him on my side throughout this journey and that lets me know everything will be alright. Do you have Him on your side?

Psalm 73:26-28
26 My flesh and my heart my fail, but God is the strength 
of my heart and my portion forever. 27 For behold, those who are
 far from you shall perish; you put an end to everyone 
who is unfaithful to you. 28 Bur for me it is good to 
be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge,
 that I may tell of all your works.

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