And here we are

Calm before the storm
This past week has just blown by me. With the kids being on spring break, and me loving when they are home, it's just been a breeze. Jordan has been calmer than normal. His doctor recommended we put him back on the L-Theanine at a higher dosage because of his repeating patterns. So far all I've seen is calmness, he is still repeating and wanting you to repeat him as well. However, she also said that if it doesn't work, to increase the dosage that he is on now to twice a day instead of once a day. I think I may increase the dosage but I'm not quite sure when I want to do it. I may start in on Sunday. It really depends on how he reacts to chelation.

Read daily
Speaking of chelation today we start another round. This makes this 22nd round he's been through over the course of 4 years. It's been a really long journey trying to get these lead levels down to where they are supposed to be. Trying to figure out what, if anything, he was coming into contact with that was making his lead levels go up instead of down. Different concoctions to help him detox, like green juicing, and trying to put oxygen in his blood by giving him the honey water combo. It has truly been a trying few years to get to where we are, and all I really needed was prayer, daily bible reading, and a relationship with God that would guide me to the things that were troublesome and here we are. Joshua 1:8 says "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth; but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success."

Better scheduling
I'm so excited about this round. Since the levels have continually gone down, and the added iron and foods that are iron rich; the dark, leafy greens, and the red meat in his jaloff and tacos, I know that if I keep up with it like I should we will be even closer to where we need to be if not be there by next visit. The last couple of months I green juiced at my leisure. I skipped some days and didn't care to much if he went a week or so without it. But if I do a better job scheduling this go round, I should see even better results.

Wait for the right door
God always has a time and a place for everything. He doesn't give you anything before it is your time. For years and years I would pray for Jordan to just be "healed." But that wasn't the plan. I had to learn to walk in His will before I could just receive what I want. I also needed to understand that I may not be prepared for what's ahead yet. Once I am better prepared to receive what is mine is when it will come to me. You see we can't open doors for us that aren't ready to be opened because if we do that we may not reach the door He actually has for us or be ready to handle what's in front of us at that time. Psalm 40:1-3 says I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry. 2 He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. Now that we are where we are with Jordan. I sense that I have a bad little boy on my hands. Maybe not bad, but very mischievous and deceitful. This may be something I may not be ready to handle at this time. Either way, I am very thankful we are not where we were and patiently waiting for what's ahead. I am ready for the "rain."

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