This weekend will be the last weekend of chelation for Jordan until his next doctors appointment on April 11th. Jordan has been driving everybody up the wall. It's to the point where I almost dread giving him chelation because the OCD gets worse.

At school he has a need for the same things and even though I was able to up his dosage per the doctor, and add another supplement that may also help if the increased dosage didn't work, it was bad this past week and a half because his Gaba didn't arrive in time because of the storm. So he went almost a week without it. It got to be so bad that I took him out of school last week for two days so he could get back on track. But while we were out I did implement the new supplement because that can be bought over the counter and it was better than having nothing. It didn't seem to do anything for him. At least with the Gaba we all noticed a difference in him. With the L-Theanine, the name of the new supplement, I didn't notice any changes. Even when I received the Gaba and he got that back into his system on a regular I thought him having both would work. He's still not showing much of a change.

Today in his IEP we discussed how his testing went and afterward there were still talks of his OCD hindering him from learning. They feel like I felt, Jordan was curious when he first started wanting you to repeat him, but now it's like he can't get past that process. So I came to the conclusion with the teachers and specialist that I should remove the L-Theanine from the list and increase the Gaba to 4 pills a day. After that if things don't change much then I will give a call back to the doctor. Hopefully she can tell me to give him something a little stronger. I want to believe it's also the reason why Jordan doesn't sleep through the night. It's routine for him to wake up lol.

I received a suggestion from a lady in my ministry to try a book called "Stop Obsessing". I ordered the book yesterday and it should be here Monday. I'm also hoping that can give me great ideas to help Jordan overcome this thing. I also did not buy the diffuser that she suggested for his allergies. I am thinking about buying it and also a lavender oil which will help to calm him. I'm willing to try anything at this point.

Jordan's speech therapist really helped me feel better about this whole situation today while in the meeting. She said that even though Jordan is going through this phase, it's just that, a phase. We will all be at another IEP meeting in the future saying remember when Jordan had really bad OCD symptoms. Right now this is just one small hurdle that we have to go over, and there may be more on the way. We may fall down but we will get back up and one day this will all be over. But until then we have to keep going and giving it our all to get past it. And remember to thank God along the way.

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