Not much...

...has been going on here in my world of autism. Jordan is coming along very well even though it seems as though his OCD has kicked into overdrive. He doesn't necessarily have to do particular things when you tell him "I got it.", but he does make you repeat what you've said two or three times. It's like he's trying to make us all OCD with him. It can be rather annoying and you really have to remain calm and patient with him because I know it gives him a sense of comfort when he's trying to make sense of things. Funny thing is, he still doesn't pull this crap with his father. This has been going on for the last couple of weeks or so and the only thing that has changed is his diet.

As many of you may know last visit revealed that Jordan had come into contact with an allergen that slightly elevated his EOS. I don't know if I've explained in the past but EOS stands for eosinophil, and they are white blood cells and one of the immune system combatants that fight against some parasites and certain infections. They also control mechanisms that are associated with allergy and asthma. While I was trying so desperately hard to find out what the cause of the elevation was, it was really right in my face if I would have just opened my eyes and paid attention. For some reason when something comes up with Jordan I tend to mull over it until I come up with a reasonable explanation or resolution. So while I was content with believing that Jordan was having a problem with the dust mites in the house like my oldest daughter, somehow it came to me....I've been giving Jordan egg. How that came to me from dust mites I'll never know, it's been so long that I'm sure it made sense at the time. Needless to say, I
have been giving Jordan these chicken tenders that are made with egg. I also made him cupcakes and I'm pretty sure his birthday cake had egg in it as well. I never took his allergy to egg serious because he used to eat them as a toddler. But it did effect him because he showed a sensitivity to it, he also stopped sleeping through the night and he was very gassy. I feel ashamed for not taking this seriously.

But learning this also gave me a parable. What I learned spiritually from this lesson was this: you have to be mindful of what you put into your body, or your mind or spirit, because it will affect you. And if it doesn't line up with the will of God it will affect you in a negative way. And it may not even be in line with what you are doing, it could be another aspect of your life where you least expect it and not think they are related in any way. In this case I didn't take seriously what was harming my sons system and it made him less relaxed (he couldn't sleep through the night and had terrible gas). Now that he hasn't had it for a while, he's not gassy at all and hasn't quite started sleeping through the night yet but he is getting there.

Feed your body, mind and spirit with things that are Godly and you will be at peace. But if you fill your body with impurities, you will find that you will be uncomfortable somewhere in your life. And you may have to do some searching to find the root of the issue, but once you do and it is removed, you will see how great life is without it and wonder why you held on to it for so long...

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