The oddest thing happend

This past Friday the 10th, Jordan had a visit with his DAN! doctor as those of you that follow know. I've been waiting all this weekend before I blog to give you results of the the most important thing to me, the lead test, that I didn't get when I was at the office, and I've had them this whole time. Things played out in such an odd way. I'll explain in a minute.

As you know the visits start off with me giving her details of the changes I've seen in Jordan. Good, bad, whatever. What I had to give her was some small things, most were improvements. I did receive a call from Jordan's school stating he worked independently and he answered his comprehension problems on his own. His speech is developing more. When I was driving he wanted to go another way than I was going and he said "this way." When we work on spelling words he actually tries to guess letters instead of waiting on me to give him the letters. He can do his homework without me being in the room with him now. Normally he would wait for me to come back and tell him what to do. He is trying to shower on his own, he loves the shower compared to baths. All in all it seems as if Jordan is maturing, becoming more independent and focusing more than in times past.

The blood work she did to see if he had the genetic disorder that didn't allow for him to properly absorb the nutrients he did NOT have. I was slightly disappointed because it would explain some, but she told me that as she really thought about it she did not think he would have it because he wouldn't have responded to treatment as well as he did. But I mean it is a good thing so I'm happy about it. As we went through more of the results it is still showing that Jordan's red blood cells aren't where they should be. But his iron is fine. She suggested to add more meats and dark leafy greens so we won't have to add more iron being as though he is already receiving an iron liquid. Also his eosinophils or EOS, which has to do with if he has come into contact with something he is allergic to, was high. I just went through his previous results and sometimes they are normal, sometimes they aren't. I'm trying to pinpoint what it is that he could be coming into contact with. Not sure if it is allergens in the air of our home, or something in his diet, even though watch it carefully, or the cleaners that I may use. From time to time I use a stronger cleaner than the green cleaner I like to use because it doesn't seem like it does the job it should to be used like I use it. She suggested an oil that I am taking into consideration.
Because it may be dust mites, the oil will help with cleansing the air and helping the immune system. The upstairs doesn't have carpet and I'm sure that it can be an issue with him being as though dust mites are an issue with my oldest daughter. I am looking into getting them all allergen protective pillows, pillowcases, mattress pads and air purifiers for the rooms. Doesn't make much sense to just protect his room when that's really where he spends the least time. And lastly his vitamin d is still not where it should be for him so we have upped the dose to 1600 iu for 3 weeks, then we will go back to 800.

Now on to these lead results I've been waiting for. While we were there she hadn't received them and when she called for them to be faxed they had a hard time coming through. So she said she would give me a call that afternoon or Monday. So this whole weekend I've been anxious to get a call today on whether or not his levels were consistent in going down. I get a lot of unavailable calls for the previous owners of this number, I don't mind because I get their Giant gas reward points too, sometimes. Anyway this morning I got another call, but maybe two minutes after it the phone lit up for no reason. I pick it up and see I have a voice mail. I normally wouldn't check it, but being as though I check it maybe once every two weeks or less, I thought let me go on and clear it. It may not even be from the number that just called. I check the voice mail and it's from the doctor, from Friday. The number never showed up on the caller ID and I have no idea when she called.
But she said she was going to send me a copy in the mail with the form needed for Jordan's urine collection. I immediately was a little saddened because that mean he wasn't down to the reference range yet again. But she told me the results and he was at a 10. Last results were an 11. The results before that a 16. The lowest was 12, his very first collection. This is amazing. His third consistent drop with it being the lowest it has ever been. We are going in the right direction and are still headed there. I'm really excited!

This week has been a really amazing week. At my church, First Baptist Church of Glenarden we have had things going on almost all week. Wednesday started our New Year's Revival. Thursday and Friday finished it off and Saturday was a leadership training held by Bishop T.D. Jakes. And all of the messages fell in order with Pastor John K. Jenkins New Year's Eve message about 2014 being our breakout year, asking for more spiritual rain and God blessing us and everyone connected to us. Everyone that believes knows that God works in mysterious ways. And even though it may not be for me to know, I wonder why of all times I never got that call, the number not showing up on the caller ID and me just deciding to check my voice mail this morning just to clear it. I feel He tested me this weekend to see if I was going to follow His word before I would get the results I have been so looking forward to. Maybe he was just testing my patience, I don't know. But I do know God is amazing and I'm going to keep being patient because even though I didn't get the results when I wanted, they were on time. Thank you Jesus!

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