Not what I was expecting

It's been about two weeks since I added the fiber to Jordan's supplement regimen and aside from the two incidents where he got distracted during math and ran in the hallway, I haven't heard any complaints about Jordan's behavior. Until yesterday. On the 29th and 30th I gave Jordan 1/2 of the GI Revive pills the doctor added to him. Half because she advised me to start in smaller dosages due to them having traces of shellfish in them. I figured the 2 half doses would be fine and Tuesday I could give him the regular dose. Boy was it a bad idea. I think him getting the supplement while going to school is a bad idea. Jordan did not get any work done at all due to him rocking in his chair and ripping papers. When I saw the allergen information the supplement provided, I did not have this reaction in mind. I thought he was going to swell up or have a rash or hives. Never did I think it was going to affect his behavior. I was so excited when he was acting well at school and no negative notes came home each day. I already knew I had something that worked in the fiber, but the amount he needed to consume was detrimental to his health. But since treating him for yeast overgrowth the amount of fiber he needs to maintain, at least while at school, is at a proper dosage. I was happy that I could send him to school and not have to worry about him misbehaving majority of the time. It was a huge relief. Now I have a minor setback.

I called the doctor's office to see what she would recommend since I still have to send Jordan to school and I need him to be on his best behavior. Especially since for the past two weeks he has shown some type of self control with the fiber. As of now I haven't heard back from the office but I have decided with the help of prayer, that this supplement can wait to be implemented on a regular basis after school is out. I can deal with his actions at home and because he's not going to attend ESY this year, seems like the perfect thing to do. My only issue would be if his body doesn't adjust to it and he will have these allergy symptoms 24/7 because of his sensitivity to shellfish. I just don't know if it will be worth it. He woke up early this morning and even though I did not give it to him this morning, he was still on on edge at school just like yesterday. What I find odd is he was good at home. As much as he loves to go to Bible study with me, I told him he couldn't go and he did not act up at home while I was gone. I think it's going to take more than a few days to get this supplement completely removed so I will probably keep him home the next two days even though I have no idea how long the process will take getting these allergens out of his system.

The 23rd was Jordan's first day on the Behavior Balance. I think it's still too early to notice anything yet. But I do notice a lot of jargon from him that sounds like scrambled words instead of the baby sounds I usually hear from him. I also heard him repeating word for word an audiobook that is installed a hand held game system he has. Aside from that nothing new. The only thing that is of relevance has to do with the fiber. The 4th Saturday of the month we hold our Buddy Break program at the church and Jordan and Kaiyah attend with me. It gives them something different to do once a month. I gave him the fiber that morning to see how it would affect him there as well. He was good for the most part. He made a little mess in the bathroom playing around with the hand soap but after that no issues whatsoever. Even while we were debriefing he sat well-behaved. I think at that point I really let go of the anxiety I had about his troublesome behaviors. Only to have the calm stirred up by a supplement that I was excited for him to start because of the benefits it has. This is the one that helps build and maintain the integrity of the lining of the gut so it can absorb nutrients properly and keep toxins from leaking out. It would be unfortunate if he could not continue it even after school starts, but knowing his doctor, I'm sure she will have some remedy to the issue. She always does.

Even though this is a frustrating situation I have before me, I am happy to say that I did not overreact when I read the letter and did not lose sight of what I needed to do to find the answer to my dilemma. I knew the cause of the behaviors and instead of trying to figure out what to do on my own, I turned to God. My ever growing relationship with him has allowed me to feel His presence with me at every twist and turn. Joshua 1:9 says "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." So when it came to deciding what to do, I already had my answer to stop until he was home for summer vacation. However, because it's always good to have confirmation, I prayed over the situation anyway. Life is not perfect, but following His word and doing what He commands has made my last few days seem easy. No matter what is put in front of me, my attitude towards it has been positive and the outcomes have been good. Life is so much better with Him. If you don't know Him, you should try Him.

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