July 9th DAN! Dr. follow up

Yesterday Jordan went back to the DAN! Dr. to get his results from his blood work but more importantly his latest lead results.

Jordan seems like he has plateaued when it comes to the things he would improve on. I don't want to take any of the positive changes I've seen in him lightly, not at all. But compared to what I used to see in Jordan, he's not making the big strides I used to see in him. Days going into this appointment I couldn't shake the feeling that the results weren't going to be as I would hope. I wanted to be more positive and didn't want to speak it into existence. On my way there it was raining and this years theme in church is "Let It Rain." By that we mean that we want God to rain on us. To have more of Him in our lives, we need Him to rain on us. I tried to apply that to say He's raining on me and the results will be fine. Not too much longer after I thought that, it stopped raining. Needless to say, God doesn't give you any false hopes about anything. I was pretty sure this wasn't going to be the visit where we move on to the next step.

After I got the results, by the way they did go up 3ug/g, I was not totally shocked. I was more in thought about what was going on with him. What was he getting now that helped the lead go up? Was I still not giving him enough iron rich foods? What do I do now? Not only did the lead go up, thallium was elevated as well. Thallium is found in soil and also used to make some electronics. People are exposed to it by being around coal burning and smelting processes that produce fine pieces of metal that can be inhaled or consumed with food. I have no idea where he is getting exposed to that. From the blood work we had done, his vitamin d went down yet again and his red blood cells are still not where they should be. I was more perplexed at that moment than I think I've ever been about his results. As I'm going through this right now, I still don't know what it is I can do. It does seem to me that Jordan's body is holding on to things he shouldn't and letting go of things he should keep. Dr. K. gave me a new supplement to add called DMAE (Dimethylethanolamine).

DMAE is a chemical that when involved in a chain of reactions, form acetylcholine; which is another chemical found in the brain. Acetylcholine is also a neurotransmitter that helps nerve cells to communicate. The DMAE will help to improve his memory, mood, and boost his thinking skills. It will also help to improve his physical activity, oxygen efficiency, muscle reflexes, athletic performance, and improves red blood cell function. I'm excited to get this started. Yesterday when the doctor explained to me that the DMAE was a connector, I had no idea of it's capabilities until just now when I did the research to tell it's functions and how it can help Jordan.

In addition to added that, she also approved the increase of the DMSA. First we will start off with alternating 2 1/2 pills and after 4 hours 3 pills. We want to ease into the increase so there won't be a shock to his body. We are able to do this because Jordan had a 10 lb. weight increase since his last visit. We wouldn't have been able to do this had he still been the weight or close to the weight that he was 3 months ago. But the following weekend and from that point on we will give him just 3 pills. No alternating. However, I have to be conscious about his reactions. If he shows regression or anything out of the ordinary, she told me to give her a call to discuss it and what should be done. I will consult with my Lord and Savior about this process before going forward to make sure this is the right thing to do. Most times we speak with someone else about issues or questions we have and don't speak with the one who can actually solve the problem or answer your question. In the book of 1 Chronicles chapter 10 the Philistines fought against Israel and Israel fled. But the Philistines followed hard after Saul and his sons. The Philistines killed Saul's sons and the archers hit Saul. He in turned threw himself upon a sword to kill himself so the Philistines wouldn't torture him, and he died. And verse 13 states "So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the Lord, because he did not keep the word of the Lord, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance."

All the while I've been talking with the doctor to figure out what to do with Jordan, but haven't consulted the man upstairs to make sure that this is the path he wants me to take. From now on I will talk with God first. Before implementing any new supplement, even before walking into the doctors office. I will make sure that whatever the doctor suggests is okay with Him, because I know He already knows what's going to happen. I've been putting God first where I want to put Him first and I have to put Him first before everything. Before every decision is made, before any disagreement, before any purchase, before anything! I'm still learning and I'm so glad I know how to discern His voice and work to apply what is taught to me every Sunday and Tuesday to my life to help myself become closer to Him. Being closer to Him leads to Him working in your favor. And I don't know about you, but I always need God's favor.

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