Not speaking prematurely

Every time I find a new "treatment," I try for Jordan, and it does what it is supposed to do. I usually blog about it, and soon after, things go backward. 

Two weeks ago, while I was on Facebook, I came across a post that I can no longer find. It was about yeast overgrowth and provided a link to an ebook and supplements that decrease it, increase magnesium, other minerals, and good bacteria. I was happy this book was in ebook format and that it was free. Yeast is one of those things that I believe has been an issue with him for some time, and I was a little anxious to start reading it. However, I did not realize that overgrowth of this can lead to the leaky gut issue I also thought he had. Working on sealing the gut would not completely work if you do not decrease what made it expand in the first place.

After reading the book, I was unsure if I wanted to continue with the test to see what Jordan was sensitive to, like salicylates and gluten, etc., because honestly, that really does not matter. The fact that food is getting out of the gut into the body is the most important thing to consider because it is the reason he has sensitivities anyway. Still, I went back and forth for a couple of days, thinking about which one I should do. The test is more expensive than the set to help reset your body, but this set is a group of supplements that someone has created because the ingredients they have found helped them with their issues. I was reluctant to get it because I have tried the Nemechek Protocol, which falls along the same lines as this RnA Reset. What made me side in favor of it was that it was cheaper than the test, and it could possibly help versus spending money on a test and then have to figure out the next steps.

I started Jordan on the RnA Reset a week and three days ago. So far, he has had improvements in his stimming and tics. The tics have not stopped, but they are different. They are more like they were when he first started having them. The most significant difference I see is a slight improvement in his memory. Years ago, I started weighing Jordan every morning because of issues with his nutrient intake and weight gain. I gave him 4 meals a day and wanted to see if it would help him put on some pounds. This has now become a part of Jordan's morning routine. On days when I am not in the vicinity with him when he does it, I would ask him what his weight was, and he would go get the scale because he could not remember what it was and would not be able to remember once he got to me. However, last week I asked him did he remember his weight, and he told me with no hesitation. Yesterday during school, I asked him if he remembered it from earlier. I actually was with him, and he repeated to me the right weight, so I know he is not making up numbers, and he is retaining some new information. I asked him a third time in the afternoon and he still remembered.

Other things I have noticed is he is sleeping better through the night. Because not only are the products helping to remove the build-up, he is also on a yeast-free diet to keep the foods from feeding what is there. It is not too different from what he was eating beforehand. I just had to remove potatoes and bananas. His skin is starting to clear up, and the tinea versicolor is not getting worse. It actually looks like it is getting better. His weight is remaining steady. He was only eating 3 times a day because I removed the vegan burgers for a short time. Instead of them, he was getting a powdered protein formula. Yesterday he was 120.6, which I think is the most he has weighed. If not, it is a close second. 

I was hesitant to share this because I did not want regression to happen. I talked to my mother about it Saturday, and I saw a setback, but I do have to consider two things. One, he has to get worse before he gets better, and two, he also had some Rice Krispie treats that he made during cooking on his virtual zoom class. Even with the regression I saw, it still did not put him back to where he was prior, which I usually see. I am very optimistic about this approach. The book of James in chapter 1, verse 19 says, "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;" (NKJV) I wanted to share what successes I saw within the few days after starting it. But I needed to see positive results for an extended time versus always sharing with you and retracting what I said in the next blog. Not sharing right away, I see different results. I am confident that what we are doing this go around is exactly what he needs because everything surrounding it feels different. Will keep you posted in the weeks to come.


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