Did I make a mistake?

Since giving Jordan raw vegetables for the last several days, I realized there was no change. Up until the day before yesterday that is. On that day, he began to physically stim again by jumping up and down. There was also a lot of verbal stimming. I am not sure what caused this because a few days ago, we did go outside to shoot free throws, and he has been known to have allergies in the past. Some could have built up in his system for being out for an hour and 45 minutes. Or it could have been the pepperoni's he snuck off a leftover pizza in the refrigerator. However, that is not my main concern at this point.

Feeding Jordan the raw vegetables did not make a difference in the nutrients he received. Yesterday morning as I was praying for wisdom like I do every morning, I believe I understood why. His gut is still in disarray. I have just removed spelt flour from his diet because of it containing gluten, which could be an issue because the test showed there was a slight sensitivity to gluten years ago. So being as though it hasn't been long enough for the gut to repair itself, the nutrients from the uncooked food could not have gotten in his system any better. In fact, it might have been what made him regress because raw foods are harder to digest than cooked meals. So we won't be doing raw foods again for a while.

So now that I have to again focus on repairing the gut, I looked into what supplements are useful to restore the lining. I have decided to go another route than just Dr. Sebi's way because I am having the hardest time finding a herb that has L-Glutamine. This amino acid is what helps to regenerate cells at a rapid pace, especially in the gut. There are plenty of foods high in it, however, none that he can eat. Besides, he doesn't seem to be getting what he needs from foods nor supplements, but I at least want to give him something that should help the gut so it can help him get what he needs from both.

As I was looking for the best supplements to give him, I went to the website that his DAN! Dr., Gaps Dr., whatever doctor has up and running to see what helps with that and to receive a discount. Would you know that the last two supplements she suggested were still in my cart? From two years ago? One of them is to help with repairing the gut, and the other is to help build the immune system. The one for the gut doesn't label if it has l-glutamine in it, but I went ahead and purchased them both. I figured I've been doing this on my own and have seen minor changes. I need the help of someone else. If nothing changes, I will probably just get the amino acid by itself and see what that does.

It's funny to me how the supplement that was suggested is one that I really needed to be implemented, probably at that time too. I wonder if I made a mistake not starting it. But because I didn't hear God telling me to do so, I didn't. The beginning of Psalm 37:7 says, "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him," and I did. One of the reasons why I think I was not supposed to give it to him at that time was because of his diet. I can't be too sure that meat is not for him, because removing it helped with problematic behaviors at school. Since it needed to be removed, I'm not so sure giving him the supplement while I was still giving him chicken and beef would have made a difference. Also, because he was still getting other foods while at school that he shouldn't have been, I believe we may not have seen the progress we may see now that he has certain foods removed from his diet. 

Prayerfully this will do what we need it to and we will see improvements such as weight gain and no more tics. The order has shipped and will be here soon. So excited to get started. I hope to give you some positive updates real soon!


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