
When I say peace, it is not the peace you may be thinking, but it is peace of mind. I am actually returning to blogging, but this time I won't be focusing on diet, behaviors and supplements. I will share with you my testimonies, revelations or godly lessons, that can help you better understand how alive and well He is.

Since I have been gone, a lot of questions went through my mind whether I did the right thing by leaving the blog. I think I was supposed to take a step back, not only to focus more on the book, but to learn what I am supposed to be doing with the gifts God has given me. I am a server and I learned how to better serve under my director and be her armor bearer. I had more time to study the word, attend leadership meetings and gain so much knowledge to be able to operate in my gifts properly. We weren't given gifts for us. We were given gifts to help God's kingdom. When we hold on to them, or use them in a selfish manor, we are disobeying the Word.

I have been given a multiplicity of gifts. My son is the main gift the Holy Spirit gave to me. Being a parent of a child with Autism has been a struggle up until this year. Not because of the usual reasons you find. Jordan not being able to hold a conversation with me, or play high school football or basketball. But because of my resistance to allow God to take control. During my hiatus, I let God have it all. I gave him all my worries and cares. Even those not Autism related. And when I tell you I have peace, I can rejoice even in sorrow because I know He's already got it worked out.

This school year Jordan has only had two episodes at school that requires a note home from his teacher. I had given him something that was too much for his system to handle. Once I stopped it, no more bad behaviors. Why? I gave it to God. I let Him do the work. I see Jordan is more focused and on task, thanks to his teachers comments on Class Dojo. He has even learned to tie his shoes! The Chuck Taylor's he picked out for his school shoes this year require him to untie and tie them instead of sliding them on as he has done in the past. I thought no better time than now to teach him. And this morning, after showing him a few key steps, he tied the second shoe all on his own.

It's amazing how God orchestrates life. I hadn't planned on serving in DDS this year but they were short ATF's being as though this is the biggest group of ladies they have ever had. Trying to attend a meeting this past Monday, I was sent to the wrong room and ran into one of Jordan's former teachers from elementary school. She told me I should continue to write. Yesterday, on a rare visit to Facebook, I read disheartening stories of the many families I follow that have children with disabilities and it struck me. It was the revelation that the worries and cares they still have, have disappeared in me because I have accepted the gift given to me. Romans 9:20 says, But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" The verse continues on to say doesn't the potter have the right to make, out of the same clay, something used for special purposes and some for common. I can't be upset because he isn't how I want him to be, he is how God wants him to be. To grieve what I don't have in Jordan is to say what God has done is wrong. And we all know God doesn't make any mistakes.

With that being said, I also know God is a healing God. And even though there is a reason why He created Jordan the way He did, doesn't mean there isn't something to learn behind it all. Without following the path that I am taking to reverse the symptoms of Autism, I wouldn't have gained peace. I had to go through many struggles to get where I am today. And because I was patient, happily waiting, He has seen me through it. And will see me through more in the days ahead. He gets the glory for it all!


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