Not ready

Last week I started Jordan on stage two of the diet that consisted of adding a lamb casserole that was seasoned with turmeric, dried thyme and parsley, bay leaves and sea salt and peppercorns. After baking on low heat for 4 hours, I added Brussels sprouts, carrots (his favorite), cauliflower and onions. He really enjoyed it. I'm not sure if it was due to it not being in soup form or the seasonings because after he had his first serving, he attempted to get the second shoulder but it fell off the bone. He's asked for it everyday since. I should have taken notice to how he "craved" it that something was not right. I started the casserole, made him lamb soup and gave him some yogurt that was made from live yogurt rather than the starters I usually use around the same time. These things are significant in many ways that I will explain later. Never did I think to to pay attention to these kinds of details, but now I know nothing is off limits.

Sometime last week Jordan started stimming again. Where he used to sit on the computer and be as quiet as a mouse, he was now laughing and giggling, rocking back and forth and hitting himself on the shoulder again. I had gotten the results from the second blood test his doctor had ordered and there was a change in his absolute eosinophils. This let me know that his white blood cells were attacking something foreign in his body. But what, I couldn't be sure of. The week before he had very bad allergies when I rolled down the windows headed to Bible study and later on that weekend when we took him, our daughter and granddaughters out to ride bikes. I also can't recall if I introduced the lamb soup to him before of after the test or if the egg I gave him for 5 days was still in his system. They could have been the reason the levels were elevated also. Another cause could have been increasing the amount of sauerkraut and yogurt which helps build good bacteria, and kills off bad, which releases toxins within the body and can give die-off. There were too many variables. So I had to change everything because it seemed like he was worse than before. Removing the egg had already been done, so next thing was to decrease the amount of probiotic foods he was getting. I did and saw no difference. The allergic reactions did not alter his behavior so I think it was safe to rule that out. The only thing now was the lamb and yogurt. The lamb was a new food and it is possible he can't handle the protein within that particular meat. That or the seasonings I was using he wasn't ready for. When researching yogurt I found that when you have serious digestive issues, you may want to consider using a starter to have the bacteria more stable. Making a new batch from live yogurt is considered unstable because bacteria cultures can vary whereas in a starter they are the same. I couldn't do anything about the yogurt because the latest set I made was from live yogurt. However, I could remove the lamb

I thought removing it was going to be difficult, but he was okay when he didn't see the last shoulder in the refrigerator. I was still going to continue with the lamb soup because for one, my gut was telling me it was the seasonings and two, I needed more stock. Not giving him enough stock could have been behind the regression as well. I wasn't giving him the stock in between meals that I had been doing at the beginning of the diet and it is very important to continue in doing so. With that in mind, I gave him some stock before he went to sleep Tuesday night and Wednesday when he woke up. I also had my husband give him some while I was attending a banquet for my daughter in band. When I got back home, he was laying on the couch as if he was tired and attempted to go to sleep. When I asked him if he was ready to go to bed he surprisingly said yes. So I took his hand and immediately felt his body was warm. He had a temperature of 101.6. I gave him some cold water and he went up to bed with no problems. The entire time I was out I was told he was calm. No stimming and not even playing on the computer. He just sat on the steps the entire time. I wasn't too concerned. I figured his body was going through something because he didn't get the lamb casserole and it was the contributing factor to his stimming, and returned spasms I might add. Yesterday morning he looked a little tired but he tried to communicate something different to me. He pointed to his forehead but it sounded like he was saying one. I asked him if his head hurt and he said yes. I'm not convinced that is what he was trying to convey but he didn't say it again. He also pointed to the back of his mouth as to say his throat hurts. I asked him if it did and he said yes to that as well and went on with his morning as usual.

Jordan's gut is still in the beginning stages of trying to heal and I realize I have to go more slowly than I want to. Proverbs 21:5 (MSG) "Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind." There are some things I wanted to be able to add like the eggs and casserole, but I can move on to the next stages without having to introduce everything listed. I do believe his soups are more like stews and that is part of stage two. Increasing the sauerkraut and yogurts is also part of the second stage, and I can start doing that again in the days to come. I can also try to implement fermented fish and homemade ghee. I'm not sure where I want to start, right now I just want to get him back to the calm little boy that I saw when we first started the diet. I don't mind moving slower if it's going to yield the best results. I'm just so thankful that I'm not to busy where I can't take notice in the changes and address them ASAP. A lot of the plans I had for myself and my family have been put aside because God has always told me to take care of home first. I still help in the community with opportunities provided to me through the church. Being a Sunday school and Bible study teacher for children with special needs, a buddy at respite care and administrative duties of the ministry is not all I would like for my life, but it allows me to do what is needed and not be so consumed with so many other things that my home, my family and myself are lacking (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). In due time God will direct my path to go on to bigger and better things, but I must first complete the task at hand, which is healing Jordan.


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