What a day!
Halfway to the doctor that is on Wisconsin Avenue in N.W., I start to hear a weird noise while driving. I got out because it sounded as if the tire was flat. But it wasn't. I started back on my way to the doctor as the noise continued to get worse. I made it to the doctors relieved because I made it there and scared because I was even further away from home than when I first heard the rumbling. I tried not to worry too much. After all I have to have the faith I talk about so much. Even though it wasn't a good idea to drive it because I knew it needed tires, God didn't put anything in my way to stop me from driving it. As a matter of fact it's probably a good thing I did drive it because who knows when the problem that it has now would have come up. It could have been later on down the line and not believed to be an result of what happened after repair, which is what it sounds like to me.
So after parking and going up to the office I was ready to get things started. As we waiting for the doctor to come and take us back Jordan was well behaved. Once in there I got right down to his behaviors and symptoms even though I didn't have much information to go over. It had only been a month since our visit and the main thing we were working on was getting rid of his allergy symptoms so that's pretty much what she needed to know about. While his watering eyes and runny nose has subsided a lot, he still sneezes quite a bit. After going through all the notes I had, she observed Jordan for a while to see how he behaves with the fiber in his system. Because of treating the yeast issue it seems as if the fiber is now doing it's job properly. He sat in the doctor's office nicely for the most part. He ran his fingers across the radiator and played with his Fisher Price XL and didn't get too loud and provoke like he usually does. It was a good thing to see and the visit ended just the way I wanted.
We will be doing some blood work regarding the immunizations the school is requiring for me to give Jordan so he can stay in school and another for allergens to see where he stands. Her recommendations for Jordan was of course to add 2 more supplements. The first, GI Revive. It gives support to the gastrointestinal system so the gut lining has the proper integrity so that it can absorb nutrients and prevents toxins and allergens from gaining access to the bloodstream. However in doing research on this product I saw that it contains shellfish and now I have to place a call to the office to make sure it is okay for him to take. I think it would be very beneficial for him, but not at the expense of his health. The second supplement is Behavior Balance. It has a combination of ingredients that help to balance behavior patterns, social skills and support the stress coping mechanisms within him. This one I can't wait to get him started on. Not sure if I will remove the fiber because that is a nutrient he needs anyway.
I was trying to figure out what message God wanted me to reveal in this outcome. The first that came to mind was praying without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of Christ Jesus for you." As I was driving my truck to my dad's house because I could not imagine going all the way to Upper Marlboro listening to the crazy noises it was making, I prayed continually. I knew God wouldn't allow me to get stuck with my son in the middle of a busy street, but I wanted get out of it for my peace of mind. He allowed me to make it to my dad's house. I have never been in a car and was THAT scared I wouldn't make it to my destination because of how it was acting. But God knew. And because He gave me the knowledge through His word how to commune and have a dialect with Him throughout the day, He answered my prayers. Isn't He worthy?
Side note: This morning when Jordan was taking an extra long time in the bathroom I went up to check on him. Turns out he was washing up. I was very surprised to see that and so very happy because it shows me he is learning about hygiene and when he thinks he needs to clean up, he does it instead of waiting on me. Go Jordan!