What's really good?

It's been a almost a month since I've last given you a small glimpse into the goings on of my dealings with autism. That's because there is pretty much nothing going on over here worth speaking of. The days are the same, the treatment is the same, Jordan is the same.

He has been doing a little better in math. They are trying to work more on the comprehension aspects of answering equations. He is still more vocal there than he is at home. His OCD has become more apparent, however, it's not anything that's unbearable. It's actually more annoying than anything. The fact that he has to run his hands along the wall and touch closet doors when he is walking down the hallway is dumbfounding to me and it's hard for me to understand why he does it, but I understand why he does it. Just as it is stated in Isaiah 55:8 ""For your thoughts are not my thoughts, nor are your ways my ways," says the Lord." God's ways are not our ways and even though it doesn't make much sense to us to have to go through trials and tribulations to receive His favor, it makes sense to God. So I have to treat this situation just as that and know that it brings my boy some sort of comfort to do it, so I won't bother him to stop. It is also a good way to help me deal with my patience.

Just last weekend I was preparing everything to start chelation when I noticed that I was missing half of the supplements I needed. I forgot to order his ALA the Tuesday before and now I only had the DMSA. And getting that was a whole other story. But I didn't freak out like I normally would, I just realized I had to make a decision. Was I going to buy an over the counter version, go without, or skip another weekend? When I researched the OTC brands, all of them contained an ingredient that I was not so sure about. Magnesium sterate. I didn't think it was harmful, but yet instill I didn't know what part it would play being as though the brand I normally buy doesn't have it. I looked it up to find out what part it played and it shocked me. Pretty much it is a lubricant that is used in the process of making medications to help the machinery run properly by keeping the powder from caking in that process. But also from that it creates a film around the tablet or capsule that keeps it from dissolving in a proper amount of time. So a lot of the nutrients needed from the pills are not consumed in the appropriate section of the intestines as it is supposed to. There was a study done in 1985 that with sterates added, in the dissolving time of 20 minutes dissolution went from 90% to 25%. It was enough information for me to know that I would not be purchasing it from a store and my only option was to go on without it or wait til the following weekend. After consulting with the Dr. it was determined that we would wait so he could have the full benefit of everything that we have been trying to do to get the best results that we can get.

It's astonishing to me that as we go on with our day to day life, we come into contact/consume so many things that can be harmful, but just little enough so that it's not. By that I mean we have hormones put into animals and vegetables to help with growth that are transferred to us, but because it's such a small amount or whatnot, it's ok to ingest. Now I find out that when I take a pill that contains a sterate, I'm not getting the full benefit of what it can actually do. It's disturbing. It's like when you go to church to get the word and you know what you should do to be righteous and receive life and more abundantly, but you settle that just hearing the word is enough. Or when you sin and think because it's not this sin or because you didn't partake in it fully it's okay. Sin is sin and bad is bad. By no means I'm I saying I'm perfect and that I don't sin and no one should sin, although we shouldn't. But we are all of the flesh. I'm just saying realize when something isn't good for you, and don't say it's ok because it's in moderation. Be hot or cold, not lukewarm. Revelation 3:15-16 says "15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth." I wish more companies and people lived by this rule. I work diligently to follow the rules of the Bible and I know sometimes I will fail, but I'm glad I can say that I try very hard not to be lukewarm with any principles that I apply to my life and my son's health.

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