Don't know what to think

Right now I am reclining in my husband's recliner trying to wrap my head around today. Lot's of things have happened since I've opened my eyes this morning. I'm glad God gave me another day and the resources to take care of everything in my path this morning. I appreciate everything. But I have this massive headache and now starting to get irritated because my pinky nails are too long to be typing this much right now.

First off I thought I was prepared for this visit. I was going to leave an hour and 15 minutes or so early so I would be on time. Jump in the car, driving down the road I look at the clock. The time is wrong. First I think is the computer in the car is acting up, sometimes it gives us problems. But for it to say 9:42 when I have to be at the doctors at 10:00 made me rethink everything. I couldn't believe the whole time I was preparing to leave like his appointment was at 11 instead of 10. That's what happens when you have 4 appointments for 3 kids 3 days in a row, along with window estimates, Harvest Festivals and normal parenting duties. My mind has been foggy all week. So I call them and let them know I'm running late, get there about 10:45 and wait. Our appointment had to be cut a little short which wasn't a problem for me. I had been there long enough already. I think I got in her office sometime after 1. Ended up having to pay for parking because I went over my two hour limit. But I'm not trying to sound like I'm complaining because things could have been way worse.

Now to his appointment. Jordan didn't really have a big list of accomplishments, achievements or differences in his behavior since the last visit aside from the decrease in OCD symptoms since adding the Gaba. So I just gave her the ones I thought were the most important. She still thinks Jordan is doing rather well. No regressions but no real improvement is good in a way. But I was thrown off guard by her wanting him to have his blood drawn for a genetic disorder that may not allow him to properly absorb nutrients. At least that's what I remember. I feel really bad not remembering exactly what she meant but either way he had his blood drawn there at the office. Which is another problem that I almost ran into. Going to their office I never bring his insurance card because I pay out of pocket. So I thought I was going to have 1 less thing to do outside of the home. But no card, no blood drawn. Luckily this is thee best doctors office in the world because the technician made a call to the insurance company to get his info faxed so I wouldn't have to get it done elsewhere. Big relief for me. Back to the follow up with her. His lead did go down. I just went through all his results and it's the lowest it's ever been at 11 ug/g. The lowest was 12 after his very first urine test. And this was his second consecutive drop. Never seen that either. So his results were the best ever, and yet with everything that I've done, I still have to add something else because it really should have been a bigger drop and I believe the doctor felt so too.

The newest supplement I have to add is a homeopathic intestinal cleanse that binds to both the heavy metals ingested and metals excreted by the body in the bowels so they can be safely eliminated from the gut. That prevents both absorption of the heavy metals and free-radical generation catalyzed by them. In fact, the product can also directly neutralize free-raidicals in the gut and thus may play a role in damping gastro-intestinal inflammation. Yea that's a lot of stuff I don't quite understand but get enough of it to know what it's going to do. So that's the new. Oh and I have to increase the Gaba to 2 pills twice a day. Yay me. 

So now I bet your wondering what happens when we get the genetic test back. Once we find out if there is a genetic disorder, there is something that we can do to fix it. She said something about having to methyl everything which I guess would be to give him something that would help him absorb everything he is taking properly. I don't know if I want there to be a genetic problem or not. At this point I just want to lay down for about 12 hours and do nothing. I've had way too much fun for today.
{insert sarcasm here}

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