Not good news, not bad news...just news

This blog is coming from a sad place today. Yesterday was maybe Jordan's 17th visit with the DAN doctor and we are still in the same place we were 3 months ago. Yes taking the plastics away from his eating and drinking, using green cleaners, natural lotions, shampoos, soaps, all seemed to be having some effect on Jordan because he has been giving great eye contact, greeting people the way he should, even without prompting at times, he's even being a little picky about what he wants for lunch instead of me just giving him what I feel like. He had a melt down over that this morning :( but his levels of lead and cadmium were still the same. I feel like this will never end.

The doctor did say that she doesn't believe it is exposure he is getting now but what is in his body that is just having a hard time coming out. That's so bittersweet because with all the research that I have been doing I feel it is just so easier to keep him from getting contact with toxins than to get the built up toxins out that have been in his body for years. I am realizing that we did just go organic maybe a year or less ago so and just stopped with the plastics and toxic cleaning supplies within the last few months so he now has to rid his body of about 7 years of toxins that he was coming into contact with, but with it being so hard to come out, it's frustrating. But the doctor explained that Jordan's body can go through stressful times which can make it harder for toxins to come out. He did lose weight after the more strict diet with no waffles and syrup which had a calcium phosphate I was trying to keep from him and at one time getting mostly water because I was staying away from the juices in plastic bottles (he now drinks organic frozen juice I make in a glass pitcher.) But gained it back when I started feeding him more during the day so he could gain it back. That causes stress on the body as well as other things. Many things contribute to how much the body can detox at a time.

So now I have to do more rounds of chelating, with alternating higher doses because upping the dosage throughout the entire process his body may not be able to handle. I have another supplement to add to his regimen to help detox. I will start green juicing for him again. (I had to take a break because he was getting some pollen-foods which mixed with the pollen in the air was giving him bad allergy symptoms. Hopefully that time has passed and we can get back on track with it.)

All in all I was hoping for better news, BUT even with the levels see-sawing, Jordan is still improving and that's all I can really ask. Whether I have to give him 2 supplements or 20 supplements I still have to take care of him, but the progress is what we are working towards and that's what I am getting right? So why do I still feel like I'm not doing all I can do. He's in speech therapy, doesn't miss days at school unless he's being seen by a doctor, got him into occupational therapy at Children's Hospital which is actually working out better than I thought, taking his supplements daily, diet is strict and I do not let him cheat at all, no matter how many sad looks he gives me. Yet I still feel like I'm not doing enough. UGH! Autism go away!


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