Been a while...

since my last post.

Jordan is constantly doing better by the day. He is repeating more and more and doing more on his own.

I realized after talking to a good, good friend that I was enabling Jordan by allowing him to just get whatever it is that he wanted and not making him tell me what it is he wants. (Thanks for the wake up) Since that conversation I have since started putting the food back in the refrigerator and making Jordan tell me what he wants before it even gets that far. He is doing very well. He comes to me and says want eat or I want to eat. (Yay Jordan)

After his Dr. visit on November 30 his urine test showed that his levels of lead had decreased, so the Dr. wanted to do one more round of chelating to get the levels down to within the normal range. At the visit he had today the lead levels have skyrocketed. I'm not sure why, or what it is that has his levels going up or staying up but it's got me confused. The next step is to do another round of chelating because there sometimes can be a spike and then a huge drop. BUT if it stays the same the Dr. says we have to go to another level of the provoking agent and track everything to see where he may be getting this lead from. I sure hope that it goes down because I think I would have to literally follow Jordan around everywhere he goes to see what he may be doing to possibly be ingesting anything that may have lead in it.

But because his progress is so huge as far as his awareness and his initiating of playing games with siblings and his eye contact, the Dr. is not worried. I am on the other hand. I want to get to working on the blood-brain barrier.

Til next time...


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