My first blog

This is my first blog and I've started it to help parents with information that I have learned while treating my son for this disease and also to receive help as well.

To start off my son was diagnosed with autism around the age of 3. He was a normal little boy but did not give eye contact to certain people like my mom and others outside of the house when he was just months old. Around the age of one he stopped speaking and broke out in a rash that went away within days with no treatment. He has been in school since the age 3 as well. He is being treated at NIHA of DC and I have seen much improvements since he has started going.

I will explain more about his growing up as well as update you on doctors visits and his improvements as this blog goes on.

I hope to be of some help to some and hope that some will be able to help me as well. This disease is constantly taking over more and more of our kids and we need to be aware of the symptoms of this early as well as help pull our kids out of these shells once they have been diagnosed. This is only the beginning.


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