Supplements and school pictures

Today, I have two topics to discuss. The first is the implementation of Jordan's newest supplements. The second is the senior pictures Jordan took yesterday. I am excited to share about both.

So, let's get into the supplements. Since my last post, I have introduced two new supplements. The first one is the Organ Complex. It comprises five bovine organs - liver, kidney, spleen, heart, and pancreas. The purpose is to fill nutritional gaps for persons on specific diets, like paleo or a strict carnivore diet, which Jordan is on. The benefits are as follows:

  • Supports the body's overall micronutrient status
  • It may support cellular energy
  • Supports the consumption of nutrients at suboptimal levels
  • Good source of iron
The next supplement is Probio Myces. This is the probiotic
Saccharomyces Boulardi, a gut-supporting yeast strain. Saccharomyces Boulardi is a beneficial antibiotic-resistant yeast that supports gastrointestinal integrity because it promotes healthy inflammatory responses in the colon and intestines. The benefits of this are as follows:
  • Supports a healthy gut microbiome
  • Supports healthy inflammatory markers
  • Supports healthy immune function
  • Support for healthy digestive function
This time, with supplements, I realized I did not pray over whether they were what God wanted me to give him. It is because He led me to this organization and doctors. I believe this is the treatment destined for Jordan; therefore, there was no need to ask Him if it was right. However, I still ask for wisdom every morning when Jordan and I go before God to make sure that I can see what I need to see when it comes to how he reacts to a newly introduced supplement. After giving him the Organ Complex, I noticed he was not sleeping well. He would turn his light off early but would physically stim in his room. I went into his room Saturday night to help him stay in bed, but he did not fall asleep until after four.

Even though I noticed the issue early on, I continued with it until he reached the required dosage. The thing about him taking supplements this time is that initially, they give him a negative response, but after a few days, he calms down. Years ago, when he took supplements, they calmed him down for a few days, and then regression set in. So, with this supplement continuing to keep him awake at night, I removed it after he received two days of the full dosage. It was clear it did not sit well with him. He had no problems going to bed and falling asleep on the first day after removing it. I was due to add a new supplement yesterday, but I did not pay attention to when he was supposed to get it. However, I am glad I did not because I need to ensure that the effects of the Organ Complex wear off, so I understand the reactions to the newest supplement.

Now, onto senior pictures. I took him to his barber on Saturday to get his hair cut. I told him we were going because he has senior pictures on Monday. After his haircut, he asked me to go to the school for pictures, and I had to let him know that the day was Saturday and that he would take the pictures on Monday so he would not keep asking me. And he did not ask me again after. That surprised me because even when I tell him a day, he continues to ask until that day comes. So yesterday, when it was time to get ready, I laid out about five shirts for him to pick to wear in his regular pictures. Initially, he picked a shirt he always wears, and I commented about it, but I told him I would still lay it out, and whatever shirt he picked would be the one he would wear. He ended up picking out a gray and blue polo. He looked very nice.

When we got to the school, found the library, and sat down, he was all smiles. When I looked at him, he would try to stop, but I told him if he was happy, he could smile. His smile was natural. It made me realize that when he is doing something he enjoys, it shows in his smiles. They are not awkward. I snapped a few nice pictures while we were at the table, and his pictures looked good, too. When I noticed his smile looked too forced, I told him to relax his face a little, and he did. I was pleasantly surprised at the session and happy with the pictures. 

When you wait on God, He will give you what you need when you need it. I wanted to start this new regimen for Jordan because I wanted his senior picture day to be just right. I didn't want to fight through struggling and forced smiles, and I wanted his skin to be clear. And we got natural smiles, and his skin was acne-free. The organics acid test should be completed in the next several days. Until then, I can introduce a few more things. I still have three more supplements to start him on, but this has been the best regimen I have done for him. Glory be to God!

Ephesians 3:20-21
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.


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