Just when you think you got it...

When I got Jordan to see this new doctor, I believed this would be the start of something new and significant. And it was, but not in the way I thought.

Jordan did exceptionally well the first few days on this new regimen suggested. But once he returned to school, the same issues we faced started back up. And don't let me forget or opt out of doing one for the sake of time. Things were even worse. Last week, I had to pick him up early because he just couldn't calm down to focus and was distracting the other students. His teacher gave me the best advice I had received in a while. Give him a break.

I was focused so much on detoxing Jordan so that his body would function the way it should so he could receive and hold on to the nutrients he needed to gain weight and remove the waste properly that I did not consider the toll it was taking on him. And I couldn't be sure that's what he was going through, but it still made sense to me. 

After the conversation with his teacher, I decided that he wouldn't be just raw, but I would implement a little of everything he has eaten without going back to gluten or processed foods. Some raw here, some baked chicken there, and fruit would be a regular part of his diet. I wouldn't abandon the notion of healing, whatever needs healing, but I need to know what needs healing. 

The report given to me by the doctor told me the areas of problems within Jordan. However, I don't believe it took into account the sensitivities his body has. Which could be a gut issue or the body lacking the enzyme it needs to break down whatever it is sensitive to. I've never learned the root problem with Jordan and all his issues. I've had plenty of bloodwork and even this bio-electric scan, but nothing concretely tells me THIS is the problem.

Although I pray and ask God for wisdom and to direct my steps with Jordan, I never entirely gave Him full reign. Part of me was scared I wouldn't hear what I wanted. Part of me believed that some of the things that lined up was God telling me this was the way to go. It was after the talk with his teacher that I decided that I wasn't going to implement another detox, diet, or supplement until I heard from God and was confident this was His voice telling me this was what I needed to do.

After giving Jordan okra stew, I saw his sleep disrupted. It has tomatoes, which I had to stop giving him when he was on the Feingold diet. That was the diet that helped with ADHD symptoms and helped his behaviors when he was in middle school. The sleep problem made me look into the food sensitivity issue again. Researching that, I found that some people have sensitivities to multiple chemicals inside many foods. I'm unsure if the foods are high in histamine or if they give the body the effect that makes it think it is. But it was worth removing these foods to see if I saw a difference in him. It wasn't a diet but eliminating problematic foods. So far, I have seen a difference in his sleeping, but he is still stimming. It's only been a few days, so I'm not expecting a turnaround immediately.

Starting this blog post made me think about what causes food sensitivities in general. That led from one thing to another to yet another. I will discuss my findings in a post I will share tomorrow. 

Psalm 40:31
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.


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