Recognizing what's what

Jordan has been having ups and downs lately. Most of it due to me and things I chose to add to his diet to help with little nuisances like the stomach spasms/tics and lack of muscle control. He still attempts to look down to see if he can locate his bottom lip and shakes his head from time to time as if he can't help it. It's been a bit of a struggle because these are signs of deficiencies his body has due to what is a poor diet. I've been trying to compensate what he is lacking by added seeds to his diet to get more calcium, magnesium and iron. Chia and ground sunflower seeds to be exact. I attempted to get him to break open and eat a regular sunflower seed but it was one of the things he opted not to try on his own. Eventually he bit into one I opened for him but did not care much for it. So I decided to aerate and add them to his oatmeal and add the chia seeds to his beef and broccoli everyday. Doing this helped with the stomach tics as they slowly started to dissipate, but it came at a cost.

It took me some time to recognize that the seeds may be a problem due to him getting a non-approved brand of pretzels at bible study around the same time. When that happens, I expect for him to have a few bad days here and there until the salicylates are completely out of his system. He didn't act up all the time when he had the chia seeds, but the fact that there was a regression should have made me take notice. Unfortunately I had tunnel vision. I was so focused on the fact that he was gaining some pounds and becoming well nourished I didn't see how it was effecting him. Now I'm not sure how harmful it is for him to continue to get things that don't work well with his system, because I'm not sure why it's making him act in this way in the first place. I'm not sure if it is from having a "leaky gut" or if they are just hard on the digestive system. However, I am not beating myself up over this because I know it is something he desperately needed because after 2 weeks of 3-6 tablespoons of chia seeds and 1 week of 1/2 cups of sunflower seeds a day, the tics are almost non-existent. I will say maybe I overdid it and should have gradually introduced it or just continued with small amounts, but I haven't mastered that yet. 🙍

At this point there are two things I can take away from this situation. The first is that I may have to overlook some things that make sense to do what doesn't make sense to receive what I am supposed to have. It doesn't make much sense to give Jordan something that throws his behaviors out or whack. But when his body can't function due to it being malnourished, what's the alternative? The second is I can't be too focused on what I want, to not see the dangers of what I am doing to get it. I can't turn a blind eye to the harm in a situation and be on the wrong path because it's yielding positive results. Remember the devil is an angel too. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (NKJV) "And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." We need to be mindful of what looks good on the outside, but on the inside is really meant for evil. Praying always with all prayer and supplication can help you discern what is of God and what He really wants for you, and patiently wait on His answer. I am guilty as charged. More times than not I add things I think could be of no harm, like the chia and sunflower seeds. I have to consult Him on the small as well as the large because He knows what's best. I'm here to follow His plan. Not the other way around.

Since removing the seeds, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday, he has calmed down more at home. No sporadic screaming and his cold is slowly going away. I think the fever he had early last week was due to him getting the seeds and them leaking into his body through his gut and because of it being in foreign territory, his body had to defend itself. But that's just my theory. He had a fever back in October that came about and he didn't receive any new foods, but did start a new supplement shortly before. My plan is to not add anything new from now until the end of the school year. What he has been getting is fine and when he goes to the doctor in April maybe I can see about adding the right amount of vitamins and minerals if the tics return due to not getting the sunflower and chia seeds anymore. Then after school lets out I can focus on what to due to help heal his gut. Whether it be the bone broth or committing to the GAPS diet, I can't say. All I can due is pray everyday leading up to it and let God speak to me about the right way to go about this. He won't lead me astray.

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