This mornings IEP

This morning I had another IEP for Jordan at his school. I was pleasantly surprised not by him mastering any goals because that's not what this meeting was about. But I found out things about my son I did not know.

The IEP was to let me know they planned to do testing, what they will be testing, and how they will be testing, and to see if I had any questions or concerns. They also wanted to have some input as to how Jordan is at home. In the middle of sharing all the information it came to my attention that Jordan complimented his speech therapist. She tries to use different techniques to help the children engage in therapy and tries to get them to do it with no prompts. She spends a lot of time with the children which
I really love. But she mentioned that one day she walked into the classroom with either a nice dress on or a difference lipstick and Jordan said "she looks nice today." WHAT!? Where is this little boy at home? He's NEVER given me a compliment. But I am happy. I know that there's hope for him having a general conversation or initiating a conversation because of this. They all say he is a happy little boy, he's happy all the time and they wish more kids, even those typically developing, had the same kind of enthusiasm that he has. He's also the little comedian too.

When the teachers want him to do something, he mocks them and points at them to let him know he's doing it and laughs. They find it amusing. He still gets his work done but he makes it fun in a way. His teacher told me of when they were doing a spelling test for the word happy and when he got to the double p, he said p p and laughed, pointed at the bathroom and said p p. I would have never thought that he would relate those but he did. There's so much I don't know about my little boy it's almost eating me up inside. If only I could just get inside that brain of his for a minute or two just to get a glimpse. But overall I'm happy with his accomplishments there.

I was a little worried about him because even though he seems happy most of the time, he still gets rather upset when he doesn't get to open the microwave or oven or some of his other crutches as far as his OCD. It seems to be happening more and more now even though he's still on the Gaba. But I think it's a sign of what's to come. It's a set back that's setting me up for a come back. The appointment in January will give me lead and other heavy metal results and also the blood results. I'm pretty confident that this appointment we will get to the root of everything and big strides will be made afterwards, or his lead levels will be within that reference range that it should be in and we can work on that next step. I'm excited about what's to come so even on his bad days I don't get to upset because I know sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.  His next appointment is in a little over 3 weeks. I can't wait to find out what's what and to update you about it!

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