New supplements and possible diagnosis

Since my last post, I have added three more supplements. He did not do well on one of them, so as of today, he is not taking it, but I will explain what it is supposed to do and how it affected him.

Two days after implementing the Probio Myces, I introduced the Primary Detox. This supplement helps the body detox toxins in the environment. It also helps remove heavy metal toxins and chemicals and supports the adrenal function and the detox pathways in the liver. It contains extracts from multiple mushrooms. If you are unaware, Jordan does not do well with anything mushroom. I used to feed it to him when he was a vegetarian for his "meat", and I also gave him lion's mane to help him with cognitive function, and they caused him to stim more than usual. I attempted to try this because I thought by the time we got to giving him the supplement, his body would be able to tolerate it. However, that was not the case. Primary Detox helps with the following: 

  • Improves memory and immune function and helps you tolerate the environment
  • Inhibits excess histamine response
  • Eliminates brain fog
  • Increases energy and focus
I got him to the total dose and stuck with it for several days, but he would stay up all hours of the night like he did with the organ complex, so I stopped it. We may revisit this after we tackle the candida and fungal problems.

The next supplement added was Detox Pro. This supplement assists the body by binding the mycotoxins and heavy metals in the body and removing them. In totality, this supplement does the following:
  • Supports detoxification
  • Antioxidant support
  • Includes prebiotics
Upon further research, I found that this supplement contains inulin. Inulin was one of the leading supplements used in the Nemechek Protocol, which helped Jordan the most out of everything I've tried for him. Jordan gained the balance to ride a bike after about 14 years of being unable to do so on this regimen.

The final supplement I had to add to him was Mega SporeBiotic. The probiotics benefits are:
  • Supports digestive and immune function. 
  • Promotes regularity and allows the gut to maintain healthy flora levels. 
Even before all of these supplements were implemented, the progress I've seen in Jordan has been tremendous. For starters, on the day of his birthday, I asked him to look at the calendar, and I asked him what day it was. He responded with July 18th. I asked what was today, and he said birthday. On his birthday, I told him we would play mini-golf on Sunday after church to celebrate. I also told him that we planned to go as well. When Jordan, his sisters, and I got into the car, my oldest asked him if he knew where we were going, and he responded with mini-golf. The brain fog is being lifted from him because he remembers many things he usually would not.

In his follow-up yesterday, we reviewed his OAT test results. She expressed that she believed there was a false positive, where the levels showed that he had an average level of toxins. The OAT (organic acid test) is done by collecting urine. Because of how his body has been working and not being able to detoxify properly, we got a false positive because his body is not releasing what we are testing for. He also has an elevated level of serotonin. Because of everything listed and other things I can not recall right at this moment, the practitioner believes Jordan may have Celiac disease. I thought Jordan had this years ago, and now I believe my worries have been confirmed. I should not say worry, though. You see, many things she said have me at peace about this possible diagnosis. And that is everything I have done leading up to this point. 

I read a book about amalgam illness that said you must look at other markers in test results to understand if what you are looking at is correct or not. She did that with Jordan's test results. She also gave me other techniques to try with Jordan that will help him detox and raise his low glutathione levels. Saunas and coffee enemas were two things I did with Jordan when he did the fruit detox. 

When I wrote in past blogs about God preparing me for my biggest comeback, He has done just that. 2 Corinthians 5:5, "God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit." I am confident I am working with the right person to help me get him back to the health I know God intended for him to have when He created him. Well, two, the Holy Spirit and the practitioner. And I have no problem doing the work. Look out because the best is yet to come.


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