Everything feels different this time

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'
Isaiah 41:10

I am still planning on getting the bioelectrical scan done on Jordan, but for now, I have some answers to what has been happening.

After his last appointment with his holistic doctor, I concluded that his diet was still the problem. Even though we saw achievements with no stimming eating meat, something was still not right. Giving him quinoa that was not washed was a big mistake, and that seemed to be where things took a turn, but he still could not eat fruits without a spike in his blood sugar levels. Removing fruits like pineapple, adding more berries, and giving a supplement that helps to lower blood sugars still did not work for him. So that meant he was still having a problem processing fruit and even the supplements he was taking.

Because the stimming came back, I decided to move away from meat again because I know it is inflammatory for me. And my digestive system is a bit better than his. So I figured if I find the right veggies and give him other things high in protein like lentils, quinoa (cooked the right way, of course), black eye peas, and chickpeas, we could see improvement. The doctor also mentioned giving foods high in fat to counter blood sugar spikes because it could balance it. I will get to that later.

Soaking the quinoa, black eye peas, lentils, and chickpeas before cooking and eating significantly decreased his stimming. Actually, there was none. His weight is still about the same, but he looks frail. When I look at his face, it almost looks as if he has no energy. But when I asked him if he felt okay, he said yes, and when I followed it up with whether he felt sick, he responded no. Whenever I have asked him that in the past, he follows up with yes and tells me his tummy hurts. That was another achievement in my book. He also began to answer the phone I bought him for Christmas instead of sending me to voicemail. He still doesn't talk, but when I tell him that he needs to go to bed or that the food is ready, he hangs up and goes to sleep or comes to eat. 

Since I want to broaden his diet and implement fruits again, I decided to give him an avocado for fat. I did not expect the results I got. That night after eating it for lunch, I don't believe he went to sleep. When I woke up at 5:30 for my quiet time with God, he was awake on his tablet. I couldn't be sure he did not wake up early and get on it, but if I know my son, I know he was up all night. The next day there was stimming (vocal and physical) and tics. The day after that, less stimming. Yesterday, none at all. This morning he was back to where he was after he had gone back on the vegetarian diet for a few days. When I researched why there might be a problem with digesting fats, I found there could be an issue with the small intestine and the liver.

Because I sense there is an issue with his detox because of how his skin builds up after not showering for one day and the wax that accumulates in his ears, it is something we should address. I read that the liver breaks down harmful substances and turns them into bile that is then exited through the intestines (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/liver-anatomy-and-functions). So if his liver is not doing what it should, then the intestines will be affected. 

Before the doctor's appointment began, I prayed with the doctor that God would be in the midst of us coming together to find what was best for Jordan and guide us in the direction because there was a lot of confusion. The result was that she wanted to do intense work on the liver, giving three supplements to help it. Before diving in, I had to ensure this was the right way. I prayed and waited. I came across something about detoxing and re-read my latest book I am trying to publish and came across the chapter that refers to detoxing. Detoxing mainly occurs in the liver, so I felt it was time to give these supplements a shot. I just started the first one yesterday. I will come back in a week with the results.


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