I think I understand

Every Thursday, the ministry I am a part of hosts a prayer call. It consists of the parents of special needs children who utilize one or more of the services we provide for them to partake in church activities or get a much-needed rest. Last Thursday's prayer call is what I needed to answer the question I have had for so long. Why isn't anything I am doing working?

During the call, the host told us to ask ourselves the question we are scared to ask God because, more often than not, we are told we should not question Him. She also said that if Jesus is the answer to everything, there has to be a question. I had questioned why Jordan's body holds on to metals and not the nutrients he needs a day or two before the call. But I didn't ask God; I wondered it to myself. So I asked my question. And I think I got my answer.

To get rid of metals in the body means it has to detox. The organs that detox our bodies are the liver and kidneys. The liver and kidneys are affected when there is mercury overload in the body because it concentrates on those areas and the brain. Another thing I learned long ago is that the body will hold on to metals that mirror minerals the body is deficient in. This is not necessarily the case for mercury because that is a metal that is hard to remove from the body no matter what. But it is like a cycle. You can't get the nutrients from food when your body thinks it has it because it holds on to similar metals. This can be why he can't store nutrients, and his body holds on to heavy metals.  

Like the books I have read recently said, this all starts with mercury. It is in areas in his brain that affect his memory and ability to learn and localized in areas of his body that keeps him from detoxing correctly. Diet changes won't fix these issues. Supplementing with vitamins, minerals, and good bacteria won't help either. Detoxing with fruits and fruit juices won't rid his body of the mercury in his brain because not many things can cross that blood-brain barrier. For almost 13 years, I have tried all of these things and what I really needed to do was keep going with chelation to get the mercury out. I wonder if you think I am upset about going through these pointless measures. The answer is no.

Even though it has cost me thousands of dollars in doctor's visits, supplements, expensive organic foods, and buying fruit in bulk, I needed to go through everything I did. If I had continued with chelation, I believe there would have been some other factor that would have come up that would have been an issue we would need to address. But I feel like every diet and detox prepared me for this moment. So I could fully understand just what his body was facing, so it could all make sense. Because truthfully, nothing made sense until I asked God the question that I would not have asked if it were not for that prayer call. 

The Bible tells us in James 1:5 that "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." Lacking wisdom is not knowing the answer to something. If you want to know the answer, you must ask the question. And who better to ask than the One who knows it all. I'm so happy I asked. What do you need to know the answer to but don't know who to ask? Or, what is that question you want to ask Him but scared to? Ask Him! He WILL answer. 


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