Interesting week

2 Peter 3:9 
"The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, 
but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish
 but that all should come to repentance."

This week started off a little different and became more strange as it went on.

First thing that was out of the ordinary, well not so much out of the ordinary, but I now believe Jordan had a little bit of an allergy problem that started Sunday night. He came to sit with me and I noticed him messing with his right eye. I asked him what's wrong and he said "I want ice please." So we went to the kitchen and when I got into the light I got a good look at his eye. His eyeball was a little red at the bottom. So I gave him the ice in a paper towel and he kept it on it as long as he could. Eventually he fell asleep so I figured that was the end of that. Monday when he went to school and came home and that night as well he was fine. But when he woke up Tuesday morning, his eyelid was swollen. He could open his eye but not very much. I kept him home that day, still not really knowing what was going on, but I didn't want to send him to school like that. While the day went on the swelling went down, but when the night came, it started to look like it was getting bigger again. Wednesday morning the same thing. I kept him home again and looked up what a swollen eyelid can mean. It could mean a number of things, but it can also mean allergies. I gave him eye drops in that eye and some all natural allergy medicine I keep on hand.

Every year Jordan's allergies affect him differently. I remember the first year I noticed a problem with allergies. His entire eyeballs were swollen. The whites of his eyes were swollen but the cornea and the pupil were not. It was the most weird and scary thing I had ever seen. In the years following he had his eyes turn red, the lids swell but eyes okay. One year he had nothing but a runny nose and cough. This problem with one eye had me very worried that it might be something a little different this time because it was just one, but I did take into consideration all the different ways he's reacted in the past. After giving him the medicine he seemed to be just fine. No swelling this morning.

But yesterday when I kept him home, he had the pleasure of going to the store with his sister and I. It was time to do the major shopping for the home and I have to go to 4 different stores to find everything I need. The first store was fine, no problems with him acting up although as big as he is he still requested to get in the cart. We compromised with him helping me to push it instead. The second store was going good until checkout. When I placed the flour on the belt, I noticed a big rip in it so I ran to get another one. I think that's when everything started. He started humming and whining. Things that were so unlike him. He really started to act up when we got back to the car. He wanted to open the lift-gate for the truck which was fine, but thought we were going to get in the car. I told him no and he began to get upset again, but I figured when he sees we are going to another store he'll be fine. In the other store he acted up slightly. Leaving the cart at times and whining slightly with his hands over his ears. So when we get back to the truck he opens the back again and I tell him he can get in. He gets in and almost starts screaming immediately. The whole ride home he was humming and screaming. Sometimes the screams were at the top of his lungs. He was smacking the seat of the car and repeating open. I tried to repeat what he was saying in case it may calm him down but it didn't work. Then he starts spiting in his hand. So I told him when we got home I was going to whoop his butt. He calm down a lot but still had small bouts of whining.

I just don't know what got into him. It was very unusual to see him react that way over anything. The funny thing is throughout it all, I was very calm. Getting all upset and just as out of control as he was wasn't going to solve my problem. I just mainly ignored his actions until he started the spitting. But even while he was acting up, all I could be was thankful. Thankful that this was probably the worse that I have ever seen him act all the years of having autism. And also thankful that when decided to become out of hand, he was in the truck. Not once did he act as severe as he did in the store. Nor do I think he ever will, but that's up for debate now. I've never seen a special needs/autistic child have a meltdown while I was in a store, but often I heard stories of it. It's funny when I think back to when it was all happening, I didn't want to go into meltdown mode myself, I didn't feel why me, and I didn't feel overwhelmed. I thought to myself I wonder why my son is so upset?, and what is there I can do to make him better?, also I have to let him know this isn't okay so he won't do this again. My patience was tested yesterday and I was drawn to Isaiah 40:31 which says "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

I was reminded of two things yesterday. As much as my son was acting up yesterday, it doesn't compare to all the wrong I have done in my life. And if God is slow to anger with me, I should be slow to anger with my son. Also I was reminded that when walking with the Lord, you have to have patience because He doesn't give you want you want when you want it. You have to be walking according to the word of God and when it's your time, He will give you what your heart desires. Being patient with the Lord has given me much patience when it comes to my son. I have to apply it to everyone as well, but with Jordan, at least it's a start and something I am working on. But after all that, it still wasn't the only lesson learned this week. This morning I went to the store with Jordan to buy the drinks for the school party today. When we got out of the truck he ran to me and interlocked his arm with mine and had it like that the whole time until we got back to the truck. Never letting me go. It made me think that when I walked away from him for that short time in the store yesterday, he was upset and that's what triggered him. With that I learned that when we walk away or turn our backs on God, He will put things in your life to make it uncomfortable until you find your way back to him. Malachi 3:7 ""Yet from the days of your fathers you have gone away from My ordinances and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you." says the Lord of hosts." But even when we anger Him, like I did my son, He will return to you and never let you go. Now who doesn't want to serve a God like that?

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