
It's been a while, time for an update.

Well since last post Jordan has been taking the Threelac and I have noticed small changes. He doesn't pull at himself as much as he used to before he started it. So I do believe that he had a yeast build up that gave him a bit of jock itch. He's a little more vocal, not much, but I'm happy with it. I asked him the other day what was this, pointing to his cod liver oil and he said "medicine". I refer to everything he takes as medicine. When I asked what is it called he actually responded "cod liver oil". He's straying away from repeating what you say first, as long as he knows the answer or better yet, how to respond. I also started him on the Speak Smooth and taken him off the DMG the end of last month.

The last Saturday in December he came to me showing me his Ipad. Now I'm thinking he just needs to be signed into YouTube again because that's all he ever needs me for with that thing, But he was showing me that he cracked the screen. It's in horrible condition. So I took it from him until I can fix it and he was very upset with me. Long story short I allowed him to view YouTube from the desktop and it was moving to slow for him and he came to ask for help with the computer. BTW I love the way he says computer. Anyway, I came and asked what's the problem and he said "not working".
I asked him to show me and he clicked the video he wanted to see. The problem was it was loading very slow but he responded to me "see". That was something that I said to him previously, maybe that same day or a few days before, but the fact that he used those three words the right way was amazing. He also acknowledges me by saying "mommy". I've had this nickname I've called him since before he could walk and now I've shortened it to just Moosh. So when I see him in the den or he walks by me I may say "Moosh" as a way of saying hi, and he responds "Mommy" and keeps it moving. On his sisters birthday in early December, he out of the blue sang happy birthday. It wasn't to her and he didn't use her name, so I can only assume that maybe a classmate of his had a birthday that same day and they sang it in class he was singing it because of that. But his words were so clear it was heartwarming. We actually got him to sing it again for my mother but of course he wasn't as enthusiactic singing it again as he was before. Other little improvements as well so I believe the Threelac has helped him improve. Maybe not as much as I wanted but I'll take it.

Since the lab results I have stopped with the raw honey & water mixture to try to get more oxygen in his blood. It just didn't seem to be doing the job I thought it was going to do. I already have enough things to give him during the day and if that's not playing the part it should I can't waste my time with it. He has his next appointment on February 4th. It seems like such a long way away but it will go by in no time and I will talk to her about the vitamin B12 for oxygen instead. As for green juicing, I've cut back on that drastically. I am supposed to do it every other day, but it's been VERY irregular. I have noticed that since I'm not doing it everyday, twice a day, he hasn't gotten sick like he did when I started juicing with just cilantro and apple. I could probably go back to mixing it with the kale, spinach and carrots again, but at this point it feels good not to have to clean that juicer everyday :)
I'll just bring up all my concerns and things I've learned at the next appointment and go from there. So the next time you will hear from me will be on or soon after the 4th of next month. Happy New Year!!! Great things are coming in 2013!!!

Oh and P.S. HTTR!!!


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